Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Love is Love

I've been thinking about the slogan, "Love is love." It is used as a bludgeon these days by the LGBT+ crowd to warn us to back off any suggestion that what they're doing may be wrong. The problem is it doesn't work because the problem is they're right ... and don't know it.

Biblically, love has several faces. There is the familial love -- mentioned in Scripture only in its absence (Rom 1:31; 2 Tim 3:3) -- and there is brotherly love -- the love of friends -- and there is the one we all know ... agapē. That one is commanded, so it's not in the common category of emotional love; it's a choice. It is the denial of self in favor of the best for the loved one. I recently saw a self-help guru explaining the difference between respect and love. "Love," he said, "is when they want you." Not biblically. Love is self-forgetfulness that seeks the best for the other.

So, let's take that version and plug it back into the slogan, "Love is love." It is. Regardless of gender or person, love seeks the best for others. Conversely, if God warns against sexual immorality, seeking sexual immorality for others is not love. If those who engage in sexual immorality or adultery or homosexual behavior (to name a few) "will not inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Cor 6:9-10), it cannot be love to encourage that for others. So, as it turns out, they're right; love is love. We all should be doing it more and more. The problem is they keep using that word, and God's Word doesn't think it means what they think it means.


  1. It really is a shame we are so separated by something that should unite us, the English language. Churchill jested of that difference between America and Britain, but increasingly that is true of all sorts of groups in the US.

  2. George Bernard Shaw said of Great Britain and America that we are two people separated by a common language. It hasn't gotten better.

  3. The real problem is that the LGBTQxyz culture confuses "love" with "lust."

  4. LGBT bunch can't be blamed for the misassociation of love and sex, people have been doing that since the 60s. They're just the "beneficiaries" of that corruption.


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