Saturday, November 05, 2022

News Weakly - 11/5/22

Media Terrorism?
The story says that ER visits in New York City for kids under 5 for respiratory illnesses have spiked. Here's my question. Is it because illnesses have spiked (the so-called "tripledemic"), or is it because the media has so hyped first COVID (which was a non-starter for kids under 5) and now this "tripledemic" that parents are panicking and charging to the ER for what would have been "normal" respiratory illnesses? If the latter, how is that not terrorism? (Note: The doctor they talked to blames COVID protections, suggesting that kids haven't been subjected to these normal viruses for a couple years because of masking and isolation. Good job, government.)

Government Intelligence?
It's the sixth rate hike this year. The Federal Reserve raised it again to "curb inflation" by making it more expensive to get a mortgage or pay off credit card debt"even if it causes job losses. They curb inflation by making things cost more and possibly causing a recession. Government thinking.

On the same day that the story of Barack Obama warning that "more people are going to get hurt" for "demonising political opponents" we also got the story of Brendon Daugherty pleading guilty to threatening the life of a Republican U.S. senator. Cuts both ways, doesn't it? (As an aside, does the fact that the guy that attacked Nancy's husband was not an American change the narrative of "Republicans are causing violence"?)

Context Matters
The White House deleted a tweet from Twitter crowing that Social Security benefits will be the biggest increase in 10 years "through President Biden's leadership" after Twitter included a clarification that it was because of a 1972 law and not Biden. They took it down because it "lacked context." White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre clarified "The tweet was not complete. We failed to point out that seniors' Medicare premiums will decrease even as their Social Security checks increase." Which is odd because Medicare said that this coming year the premiums are remaining mostly the same. (Mine are going up.) Strange context.

Because They Can
The government is at it again. This Sunday they plan to mess with your productivity, energy levels, and sleep. The mantra is "believe the science" but they're ignoring it. They think it is possible to "save daylight" by changing your clock. Tomorrow they're going to "change time" by moving it an hour on command. "Who cares what the sun says? We know what's best for you." (Okay, it's just the end of Daylight Savings Time and this is (mostly) tongue in cheek, but ...)

What's Good for the Brits ...
The National Health Service for the UK is saying that children claiming to be transgender may be going through a "transient phase" and are now restricting "gender-affirming treatment" of minors. So it seems ironic that the American media is miffed for Florida coming to the same conclusion. I mean, what about the science? Oh, yeah, we only believe the science when it agrees with us.

What Might Bee Happening
When Jane's Revenge declared open war on churches and crisis pregnancy centers and vandalized 19 places, the government kept pretty quiet. When a wacko attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband, the press decided political violence was worth covering again. Emily Oster suggested we declare "pandemic amnesty" over all the mistakes of COVID -- all the damage that COVID protections caused. Biden thought that made sense and is also asking for Afghanistan pullout amnesty, inflation amnesty, gas prices amnesty, student loan amnesty ... and more. And the Department of Homeland Security assures the public they will suppress as much speech as necessary to preserve democracy.

Must be true; I saw it on the Internet.


  1. Might be nitpicking, but the Fed rate hike doesn't directly equate to an increase in mortgage rates. Most mortgage companies have built the Fed hikes into the rate increases earlier this year. It doesn't affect the point of your post, just an FYI.

  2. That's fine. You're nitpicking at the story I referenced, not me.


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