Friday, November 04, 2022

Just Mulling Things Over

We live in odd times. In our current world a girl can be a guy but a white person cannot be a black person. In our "norm" a man can marry a woman or a man can marry a man, but he cannot marry two women. In our world, many identify by the gender they want to have sex with. (Odd, isn't it?) There is an entire identity group that falls in what is becoming the LGBTxxx alphabet soup. Which in itself is odd. For instance, "L" stands for "lesbian" which is a homosexual woman -- a woman attracted to the same sex. "G" is for "gay" and refers (in this context) to a homosexual male. "B" is for "bisexual," someone who is attracted to two ("bi") sexes. But of gender is a social construct, what does that say about these three identities? It only gets stranger from there. "T" refers to "transgender" which is premised on the notion that gender is not binary. And suddenly it all goes out the window. Can a lesbian be attracted to a trans woman or does the fact that this trans woman is a biological male make it heterosexual? If a woman is attracted to men, but wants to be identified as a gay man, she can have a sex change operation to become a gay man, right? What is the category for a bisexual (attracted to males and females, remember?) who is attracted to a "gender fluid"? And why in the world would we want to identify by the sex of the person to whom we are attracted? Seems quite trivial for an identity.

That was all one topic. Only one. We live in a world that demands "believe the science" but ignores the science when it doesn't agree. They will point to science for their argument, but when science, for instance, points out problems with the COVID vaccine or the measures we used to fight COVID or such things, science itself becomes "misinformation." When science says, "The fetus in the womb is a human being," it suddenly becomes part of a right-wing, religious, male conspiracy. We live in a world where "racism" is defined as "whites only" and black people can be deemed white supremacists. We live in a world where almost no one seems to recognize that "news" is news because it is unusual, not usual. So we define our lives by school shootings (extremely rare) and kidnapped children (extremely rare) and other horrible things in life that are extremely rare because we saw it on the news.

We live in a world where we all think we're doing okay and we rarely recognize our own convoluted and unreasonable line of thinking. May I suggest an alternative?
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Php 4:6-8)


  1. I think that the are of science that is more and more frequently ignored in so many contexts is the various branches that deal with Evolution. For example, the whole LGBTQXYZPDQ soup, is all an evolutionary dead end. Those who are honest about what Evolution really is, acknowledge that all sorts of behaviors that society frowns on, are evolutionarily advantageous, which would seem to make those activities acceptable. It seems like way too many folx are fans of Evolution in the sense that it allows for a godless version of our origins, but won't follow the philosophy to it's logical conclusion, or acknowledge how much of modern society doesn't fit the Evolutionary paradigm.

  2. I was astonished when they made a sci-fi movie about a group of colonist going into space to populate a new planet ... with colonists that included homosexuals. I mean, you know that won't work ... don't you? Apparently not.

  3. That's stupid on so many levels. Why would they take up the space with people who aren't going to contribute to the goal of the mission.

  4. "That's stupid on so many levels. Why would they take up the space with people who aren't going to contribute to the goal of the mission."

    Because, as the Critical Drinker would say, "THE MESSAGE!!!"


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