Saturday, July 30, 2022

News Weakly - 7/30/22

Banning Parents
In an ongoing effort to be sure that parents are deeply involved in their children's lives and education, a Maryland school district has prohibited the staff from telling parents about their students' transgender identity. And elsewhere. In other news, the same district has banned all that "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" nonsense as well. (Hey, haven't I heard teachers complaining that parents aren't involved enough?)

Unclear on the Concept
GOP lawmaker Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania is getting flak because he voted against the "Disrespect Marriage" Act and three days later attended his son's "gay mirage." Hypocrite! Loser! Are people really that dense? It is one thing to oppose the redefinition of marriage. It is another thing to love your children. Most parents, if their child were to marry someone of whom they didn't approve, would attend the wedding and wish them well. That's hypocrisy? I oppose the principle of transgender, but that doesn't mean I have to be unkind or hateful toward people I encounter who consider themselves such. Are people really that unclear on the concept? Or do they not like the clear evidence that someone may have principles without being hateful?

Double Standards
If you're someone that, say, believes that the 2020 election was rigged, the Democrats would prefer you had no voice. Certainly no public voice. Remember? They tried to set up a "misinformation" control point just for that purpose. Then Hulu announced that, in keeping with its policy of not allowing ads on controversial topics, they wouldn't be allowing ads on abortion or guns. And the Dems went wild. Because of the Democrats' outrage, Hulu has changed to allow the ads that the Dems consider essential to their "core campaign talking points." Hulu must run the ads the Dems consider important but must NOT run those that are deemed offensive ... to their goals.

Conveniently Absent
An enlightening article from The Guardian finally explains why anyone could possibly be anti-abortion. It's because they're too stupid to know that their reasons are a lie and the real reason is that they're opposed to sexual promiscuity. I thought it was really odd because this physicist who wrote the article never once mentioned the biggest reason -- that it is wrong to kill an innocent human being. So does that mean that we're too stupid or he is?

Justice Clarence Thomas isn't a popular judge these days because, well, he's against killing innocent human beings, and that will never do. For the past 11 years Thomas has given seminars at George Washington University Law School. That ends this fall. Students said he was "actively making life unsafe for thousands of students on our campus" and petitioned to have him silenced. They win. America loses.

You're Entitled to the Rights We Allow You
Students at Seattle Pacific University have decided to sue over LGBTQ exclusion. The private, Free Methodist Church university has attempted to maintain their alliance with, you know, the church, but the students demand that they stop it. So, students who choose to go to a self-proclaimed religious university with a prior understanding of the rules get to dictate to the school what their policies will be? How about "Just don't go there"? Not a chance. This is America; you will not be allowed your religious freedoms here if we have any say.

Puzzling Problem
San Francisco has declared a health emergency over the rising numbers of monkeypox cases. I don't know what makes it a special problem in San Francisco.

Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Microphone
Investopedia says the "rule of thumb is that two consecutive quarters of decline in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) constitute a recession." We have had just that. President Biden assures us we are not in a recession. Who are you going to believe? The economy or the president?

Everyone Knows That
Democrats have introduced a bill to put term limits on the Supreme Court. Why? Because of a "legitimacy crisis." Obviously, because 6 judges voted to remove Roe v Wade. Now the court is "illegitimate." To fix the "crisis," it is necessary to remove those judges with whom they disagree, because the only way for the Supreme Court to be legitimate is to have it be compliant to their positions.

Taking a Bee-ting
Joe Biden signed into law his "Economic Integrity Protection Act" better known as the "Don't Say Recesson" bill. They have to do something so people won't notice inflation, economic decline, reduced trade, drop in GDP, and climbing prices. The Bee has a handy infographic to help us understand if we are in a recession. And another for several other word refinements.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Why don't we just hand our children over to the state and let them raise them for us. That totally works, right? The states ability to care for children without parents is one of the things it is renowned for.

  2. It's astounding to me that children have no rights in the womb but all the rights of adults prior to being adults. I am amazed that "trust the government" is the new god.

  3. What's really troubling to me is this idea that "We will decide, parents, whether or not you are qualified to parent your children. If not, we will certainly do it over the top of you." The measure of a qualified parent is "Do they hold the same values as we do?" Those parents that, say, believe the Bible are right out. "They're not only wrong; they're dangerous to their own children." How much farther must we go until we haul away those "bad parents" and lock them up? And, of course, this "harmful to their children" is defined by their personal version of "harm" with absolute disregard to what God says. You see the difficulty, I hope. Standing on God's Word -- the only verifiable "good" -- can (and, likely, will) get you into trouble in a world driven by hostility to God and His Word. Under the guise of "protecting children." Against whom? God.


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