Sunday, July 31, 2022

I, For One, Am Glad

Paul described our original problem this way.
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. (Rom 1:25)
We are the creature. And we tend to make ourselves the standard by which all things, including God, are judged. So when things don't go our way, we question God's integrity. When things don't happen in the way we think they should, we question God's power. We bad things happen, we question God's love. And when God says things in His Word that we find doubtful, it is His Word we question, not our own perceptions. We, in essence, serve the creature rather than the Creator. Even we who seek to love and obey Him.

We think that God should be just like us. He should see things our way, feel our way, do things our way. God, however, was not unclear. "You thought that I was one like yourself," He said (Psa 50:21). That was a mistake for Israel. It is our own mistake. He is not like us. We have similarities, points of contact, things in common, but He is not like us. He defines love (1 John 4:8) while we can barely do it, let alone define it. Only God is good (Luke 18:19) and we are not (Rom 3:12). "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps" (Prov 16:9). And, still, we think He's just like us and, in fact, ought to conform to our ideas, expectations, and values.

I, for one, am glad He does not. I'm glad He is omnipotent where I am weak, wise where I am foolish, omniscient where I am ignorant. I'm delighted that He is Sovereign when I have so little control. I am delighted that He knows me inside and out (Psa 139:14-17) despite the fact that I know Him so poorly. I count on His strength, expect nothing but the best from His wisdom, and rest completely on His Sovereignty. I am very satisfied that He is God and not like me. I just need to do the lifelong work of correcting my own misguided understanding on the matter.

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