Saturday, July 02, 2022

News Weakly - 7/2/22

Measured Response
On June 24, SCOTUS shot down New York's concealed carry law and Roe v Wade. In response, Biden signed a "landmark gun measure." Background checks, blocking domestic violence offenders, and "red flag" laws. Oh, and $13 billion. An "historic achievement." That ought to do it.

The other newsworthy response was violent protests breaking out over the SCOTUS ruling on Roe v Wade. Sorry ... "mostly peaceful" rock throwing, flag burning, property damage, and "violent altercations" protests. They blocked Los Angeles freeways and closed streets in cities around the country. One sign read, "No uterus, no opinion." Another said, "Kurt Cobain believed in womens rights so you should too." So which is it? Rapper Kendrick Lamar donned a "crown of thorns" and called for "women's rights." He's not allowed to do that, is he? Or can men only have the opinions women give them? I know that women who disagree with pro-abortion women don't get a say. So which is it? One sign read, "No abortion bans, not now, not ever!" ... much like the laws in Washington D.C. that allow abortion into the third trimester or Maryland that aims to allow post-partum abortion. One sign said, "I dream one day women will have the same rights as guns." None of them appear to be dreaming of a day when all humans will have rights. One protester said today they were letting their voices be known, and "Next is revolution." Mostly peaceful; mostly reasonable. Or ... not.

As a side note, apparently no one realizes that federal law considers killing a baby in the womb a homicide -- killing a human being. The federal government classifies the unborn as a "child, who is in utero", not "potential humans."

More Faux Outrage
As if guns and abortion weren't enough, now the Supreme Court has ruled that people can pray! Oh, the injustice!! Of course, it's not merely praying in view. This high school coach would pray on the field after games. The school district told him he couldn't. Mind you, it wasn't sanctioned by the school. Notice that no one was coerced to pray with him. He didn't do it as a school representative. So, in effect, the court did rule that this guy could pray. His actions do not constitute "establishment of religion" since it was voluntary and to fail to allow him to do it did constitute supression of free exercise of his religion. But, hey, that's not how the minority dissent nor the overwhelming media presence will paint it.

Unclear on the Concept
Climate protesters in Sydney blocked roads and a tunnel with "violent" and "erratic" protests ... stopping traffic all over the city and producing more greenhouse gases that would have been if they hadn't stopped traffic all over the city. They're planning to keep it up until the people take their message seriously. Message ... yes ... that must be "We don't care how much we interrupt lives or damage the environment as long as we can save the environment." Got it.

People are Outraged!
Well, of course, that's not news. However, the reason is. In a speech delivered on the 25th of May, one day after the Uvalde, Texas, shooting, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she wanted to make children in a mother's womb as "as safe as they are in a classroom ..." Oh, that's bad. That's tone deaf. What an idiot! Oh, wait ... hang on. Since 1973, over 65 million babies have been killed by abortion. In the same amount of time, 220 children have been killed in school shootings. Both are bad, but clearly not on the same level. You know, if abortions killed only 300 kids in 50 years, I'm not sure pro-life people would be nearly as concerned.

Ah! There it is!
Previously the Archbishop of San Francisco barred Nancy Pelosi from receiving communion for her stance on abortion and multiple archbishops concurred. When I reported on it I said, "I will be further surprised if they actually carry through on the ban." As expected, Pelosi violated the church order and took communion at the Vatican presided over by the Pope, thus repudiating the Catechsim of the Catholic Church. Is this another abortion death?

A Travesty of Justice
A New York judge cleared Trump of contempt charges. I'm sure the whole "We hate Trump for merely breathing" crowd will call that a travesty of justice. I'd suggest that that level of hate is a travesty as well.

It's Only Wrong If You Do It
SCOTUS ruled Thursday to limit the president's authority to implement regulations under the Clean Air Act to reduce carbon emissions. Justice Elena Kagan delivered the dissenting opinion. She was concerned that the Court was making decisions that Executive and Legislative branches should make. I'm pretty sure she wasn't equally concerned when SCOTUS made abortion the law of the land or the courts made "same-sex marriage" the law of the land. I actually agree with Kagan that legislating from the bench is wrong for the court. However, it has happened a lot and appears to only be a problem for some when it is in opposition to their view. (Note: SCOTUS's ruling on abortion was not such legislation. It did not ban abortion; it put the laws where they should have been ... in the hands of the states.)

Got to Bee True
There was the story about the Democrats pausing the January 6 hearings after the Roe v Wade ruling to call for insurrection. Word is out that the restrooms in the Supreme Court have now been change to gender neutral so Ketanji Brown Jackson can avoid any embarrassing confusion. And the Bee was shocked at the sentence handed down to Ghislaine Maxwell considering the years of faithful service she provided to our nation's leaders.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Without their guns, how are the liberals going to overthrow this oppressive government that allows states to decide whether they will protect life or not?


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