Sunday, July 03, 2022

Closer and Closer

In Matthew 24 Jesus prophesied that not one stone of the temple would remain on another at some point in time. The end of time. The "end of the age" (Matt 24:3). So the disciples asked when (which Jesus already told them He didn't know) and what the signs would be. He proceeded to answer the second question. In amongst the things He lists, He included this:
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. (Matt 24:9-13)
There is debate about when Jesus is talking about. Does "the end of the age" refer to their current age which would be replaced by the "age of grace" -- the "church age"? There are plenty of accounts that suggest that Matthew 24 occurred in 70 A.D. Others are quite sure that this is a reference to the very end, a time (obviously) yet to come, but getting closer and closer every day. Which is it? I'm one that typically answers "Yes" to that question. Both/and. Like the question "Was the Messiah going to be the Great King or the Suffering Servant?" "Yes." I suspect that much of Jesus's prophecy occurred in their day and will occur again in the final days. It's my way of making sense of "coming quickly," "this generation will not pass away before" kind of language. Others disagree. And since it's my suspicion and not any sort of certainty, I'm okay with that.

Regardless of where you fall on that, when I read that text above, it feels like I'm reading about current events. There is a growing hatred for Christians in the world. Many are falling away. So-called Christians hate other Christians. False prophets are abounding. Many are being led astray. Note the phrase, "because lawlessness will be increased." In the mid 20th century in America, I don't suppose there were more genuine followers of Christ (percentage-wise), but there was certainly a greater sense of obligation to Christian morality. As a society we valued marital fidelity and opposed sexual immorality. We sought to be a community and tried to continue in Christian values. Today, "lawlessness" in that sense has increased. And because of that, the love of many has grown cold. Sure sounds a lot like today.

Jesus taught He would return. Therefore, genuine followers of Christ must believe that He will return. There is a point in time when it all ends and a new age begins where sin is no more and God is physically on the throne. Since that is true, it is not speculation that we are closer to that today than human beings have ever been before. I have no doubt that it can get worse. I have no doubt that it will. And I can't say that this present tumble into immorality ("lawlessness") and hate for believers is the last or worse to come. I'm not saying this is the end. In fact, I'm pretty sure it will get a lot worse before that happens. I'm just saying that you, true followers of Christ, ought to be aware that Jesus promised that it would get worse for His followers. Be prepared. Be confident. Don't be among those who hate Christians, who fall away, who betray one another, who follow false prophets or pursue lawlessness or whose love grows cold. "The one who endures to the end will be saved." (See 1 John 2:18-20)

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