Saturday, July 16, 2022

News Weakly - 7/16/22

The Politics of Killing Babies
A retired 3-star general worked as a contractor for the Army mentoring officers, staff, and students participating in war games until he made an "offensive" tweet about Jill Biden. The story lied about "overturning the constitutional right to abortion" and Mrs. Biden lied about women having the right to make decisions about their own bodies being stolen, but General Volesky's tweet about "Glad to see you finally know what a woman is" was considered "partisan politics" and he was suspended. Now, I wasn't aware that concern for women and children and killing babies was "partisan politics." I guess it's good to know that abortion isn't a "life" issue or a "moral" issue; it's a Democrat thing.

Business as Usual
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is moving to discipline personnel on horseback who confronted illegal migrants. The false narrative was that they had used their reins to whip people although it was later denied by witnesses, but that doesn't stop our government from defending criminals and disciplining non-offenders while ignoring blatant criminal behavior (like Hunter Biden, Jane's Revenge, or protesting at judges' homes, etc.), right? Nothing to see here; business as usual.

An Inconvenient Voice
A California teen is warning parents and doctors and government not to transition kids. She isn't uninformed. She transitioned to being a boy between the ages of 13 and 16 only to discover it was a mistake and the damage done to her is irreparable. She represents an inconvenient voice regarding an inconvenient truth.

Mostly Peaceful
Last week protesters outside Morton's Steakhouse demanded that they send out Justice Kavanaugh who was eating inside. They were, according to the restaurant, "unruly." The story is that they warned Kavanaugh to leave by the back door. AOC ridiculed Kavanaugh over it. Later, when a rude man catcalled AOC, she "was actually walking over to deck him" because Kavanaugh should not expect respect or privacy, but she absolutely should. It's good that they can threaten and intimidate judges, but not embarrass AOC. She defeeinitely does not believe in "equal protection." Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg wants all judges to know that this behavior is to be expected and is suitable. He recalled that they "swore up and down in front of God and everyone including the United States Congress that they were going to leave settled case law alone." He recalled incorrectly. So just keep in mind, if judges rule in a way you don't approve, they should expect protest, harrassment, threats, etc. Just not violence. You know ... "mostly peaceful" protests like we've seen in the last few years.

I Thought Dodge Was a Car Maker
A federal judge in Arizona blocked Arizona's "personhood" law that would give legal rights to unborn children. The reason he blocked it was not that unborn children were not "persons." He blocked it because it would be "anyone's guess" what criminal laws abortion providers would be breaking. It was not "That's wrong." It was "We don't want to think about it." Nice dodge. Because protecting life seems to be of precious little concern to many.

Upside Down
We tear down old monuments of old people that are no longer in vogue and then build monuments to drug dealers who are now cool. Tell me this isn't a crazy world.

Right Away
A judge in Minnesota struck down Minnesota's abortion restrictions because they violate Minnesota's constitution. So in Minnesota you have no right to physician care, hospitalization, parental notification, and informed consent among other things. (Not my words -- the judge's.) Nice. Move to Minnesota where they protect your rights by removing them.

Agreed! Next!
I want to know why this continues to be part of the debate. The Biden administration is telling hospitals they must provide abortion services if the life of the mother is at risk. Is that even a question? If the reason we oppose killing babies is that we're opposed to ending innocent lives, then of course we would want to save the life of a woman whose life is in danger. No question. Of course, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, "The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent," but pro-life does not mean -- cannot mean -- killing mothers. Stop this nonsense!

What a Relief!
In Louisiana the court struck down their abortion ban. Don't worry, baby killers. States may outlaw abortion, but the courts will be legislating from the bench regardless of state laws. You'll still be able to continue killing those innocents with glee.

Discouraging Marriage
It has long been understood that the government will use laws for social engineering. Give families a tax break to encourage families. Pass tariffs on imports to discourage foreign trade. That kind of thing. Currently the government has let their wishes be known -- don't get married. It will cost you more in taxes if you file jointly than if you file separately. We got it, Dems. Let's discourage marriage.

Because You Matter to Them
The news item is that Sen. Joe Manachin (D-W.Va.) is opposing Biden's new "climate tax" against the support of the rest of the Dems. "Climate tax?" you ask. In 2020 U.S. refineries produced 161 million metric tons of CO2. If Biden has his way, he will charge those refineries (and every other industry) $20 per ton as a "climate tax." If the new tax had been in effect in 2020, American refineries would have needed to pay $3.2 billion in additional taxes. Now, I'm sure they would have simply absorbed the loss and our gas prices wouldn't have gone up over that as well ... right? Pretty sure all industry will be happy to pay taxes like that and not pass the cost on to us, right? Right?

The White House is still searching for a Biden they can send out in public. Good luck with that.

After California Governor Newsom launched ads in Florida urging them to move to California to escape the right (no joke), Ron DeSantis is running ads asking California libs not to move to Florida. Makes sense.

And, (not the Bee), AOC is claiming she was nearly murdered on the Capitol steps this week. (In case you missed that joke, here is the link to the true story)

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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