Friday, July 15, 2022

Calling Good Evil

I was going to put this on my News Weakly segment, but it's too long. So ...

A domestic terrorist group called Jane's Revenge has been attacking churches, crisis pregnancy centers, and even offices of some in Congress since the memo leak from the Supreme Court. They've documented some of their work and broadcast increasingly malevolent threats. Crisis pregnancy centers in particular have been their target. If you want to help a pregnant woman take her baby to term, you are evil. So they vandalize, destroy, even burn to get their message across.

Instead of addressing this terrorism on American soil, Senator Elizabeth Warren is encouraging it by demanding to have all crisis pregnancy centers "shut down" because they "fool" and "torture" "pregnant persons." Close them all. All across the country. These places outnumber abortion clinics three to one and they must not be allowed to continue at all.

I am completely baffled. Is she really looking to mandate all "crisis pregnancies" be aborted? Is helping women (sorry ... "pregnant persons") in crisis who don't wish to kill the baby "torture"? Helping pregnant women to have their babies is evil? No one has mandated that women in pregnancy crisis go to these clinics. They are simply made available. They simply offer an alternative to "Kill your baby." But, like so many other current groups, "alternative" is not allowed? For instance, I've never campaigned to outlaw or eliminate LGBTx groups, organizations, whatever. I simply ask that they don't put it in my face. You know ... live and let live. But today that perspective is called "intolerance" and "hate" even though it is the definition of "tolerance" and contains no hate. In the same way, current voices like the senator are not saying, "You may choose to keep your baby and you can find help for that, or you can choose to kill your baby and you can find help for that." No, they are asserting that encouraging and helping women to have their babies is torture and must not be allowed to continue. For women in crisis (and apparently "women" are no longer in view for modern voices -- only "pregnant people"), the only allowable option seems to be "abort." According to Planned Parenthood's annual reports, 96.9% of their clients get abortions. Only 0.7% get adoption referrals and 2.4% get prenatal care of any kind. What does Mrs. Warren recommend for the women in crisis who don't want to kill their babies? No options.

Where does this insanity end? So much hate.


  1. And it's horrible that people are going to uncritically listen to what she said and agree. Her statement made certain assumptions about these centers and the women visiting them. People are going to just agree with what she said without questioning if what she said was even true, let alone whether what she said was good. Because that is the rhetoric of the pro-abortion movement. Demonize those that are prolife.

  2. You're right. A critical command in Scripture is that we must be our minds (Rom 12:2) because our hearts are deceitful and our minds are "debased" (Rom 1:28), but too many don't se it and don't think.

  3. Are you suggesting that these crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics 3:1, despite over half a billion in government funding for PP? How can this be? Pro Lifers don't do anything.

    Seriously, I thought they were all about choice. Why would they shut down places that advocate for a different choice, if choice is their goal and if their message is that compelling? It seems that the left is content to shut down any voices that they don't like instead of actually having a better argument to make.

  4. Are we in the End Times? Seems so.


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