Saturday, June 19, 2021

News Weakly - 6/19/21

A Different Border Wall
Justin and Joe had a sit down at the G7 to see if they could come to an agreement to get Trudeau to open the border again. No dice. Canada will keep her border closed. So ... why is it that it's the U.S. that is evil with its porous "closed border"?

This kind of stuff has to go. I'm sure Facebook and Twitter and such will ban it if it surfaces on their platforms. Dr. Chuck Dinerstein wrote for the American Council on Science and Health (ACHS) that the body does its immune response whether the immunity was attained through illness or vaccination. "It makes no difference to our immune system." stated, "It is true that natural infection almost always causes better immunity than vaccines." And a Cleveland Clinic study recently reported that "natural COVID immunity is better than fully vaccinated." They said that if you had COVID, vaccines provided no added benefit. Meanwhile, the CDC is holding an emergency meeting about the vaccine causing heart inflammation in healthy younger recipients. Tucker Carlson interviewed an ex Harvard doctor who was concerned about the vaccine being harmful to young Americans and YouTube deleted it. "No, you can't talk about this." Now, maybe all this is true and maybe it isn't. The sad thing is that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the mainstream media get to decide whether you hear this or not. If it doesn't align with the approved think, you won't hear it on CNN or the New York Times.

New Racist is Born
A Florida zoo announced the birth of a southern white rhino. I know, right? I mean white and southern? Definitely a racist rhino.
Christian Appropriation
The news says that the head of the world's largest family died this week. He left 38 widows and 94 children not to mention grandchildren. He was, according to the news outlets, the leader of a "Christian sect." The group believes in polygamy and traces their origin back to Revelation 20 (which is about the Millennium, which hasn't happened yet). I'm not sure "Christian" is a valid term here. I'm thinking "Christian appropriation" in this case.

Crude oil has hit a 32-month high "boosted by renewed confidence." So, because we're recovering, we should expect to pay a lot more at the pumps ... which will probably put a dent in our confidence of recovering. Thanks, Joe.

Not Dark Enough
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a Latinx actor, playwright, etc., with a newly released movie, In the Heights. The movie includes mostly Latinx and African-American performers, but it doesn't matter. It suffers from colorism. "Colorism?" you ask. Yes. Apparently the people of color in the show aren't people with enough color. They're not dark enough. They don't have the proper shades of melanin. Once again, the protesters are throwing out Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's dream of a world where people are not judged by the color of their skin and demanding that we do just that ... with precision.

How do You Spell SBC?
SBC 2021 is on. At the time of this writing, the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting is in Nashville and they're debating topics like what to do about sexual abuse, Critical Race Theory, and how to keep their numbers up. Reviews of the discussion don't include "Is it true? Is it right?" as a criterion. Just things like "Will we risk losing Black churches and members?" and the like.

They're also voting on whether or not to add White Fragility to the official canon of Scripture. Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Canada.

    I've got friends who own cabins in Canada who've been banned from visiting their property for almost 2 years. Somehow I suspect that the Canadian government is still collecting taxes on the properties.

    If only Canada would open the borders, it seems pretty reasonable to conclude that lumber prices would drop.

    Finally, at least Canada is still jailing pastors who dare to worship God publicly.

    It's distressing to see the various social media companies engaging in this behavior. It's almost like they're doing publicly what everyone accused Russia of doing in the 2016 election. Of course, they won't hide or limit anything that might impact future elections. Would they?


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