Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father's Day, 2021

I was reading a blog the other day. The writer was talking about reading someone else talk about playing catch with his dad. This writer said, "Number of catches with my dad: 0." And I thought, "Dad and I never played catch."

We didn't. Oh, we did a few things together, just Dad and his sons. We did go deep-sea fishing and opening-day fishing and bass fishing. We went camping, backpacking, and hiking. He arranged with a friend to take us on a sailboat for whale watching and he arranged with another friend to fly us to a remote part of Baja California to fish the Bay of California. He took us to men's prayer breakfasts and conferences and ministry trips from skidrow to Mexico. As a family, we went on trips around the country, from the deep South to eastern Canada and north to Alaska. A few things. Well, LOTS of other things. Just no catch.

My dad wasn't very good with emotional displays. That was okay. He has always made it clear that he loves us and always demonstrated it quietly with words but loudly with actions. Some people might complain. "No catch?" Not me. I'm more than grateful to God for the father He gave me and the father I have known. I'm more than grateful to have a father who is available to be used by the Father.

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