Saturday, December 09, 2017

News Weakly - 12/9/17

It Figures
In the midst of a huge firestorm about sexual abuse with heavy attention on Hollywood, the film winning awards and favored to win the Academy Awards is a "gay love story" about a teenager who falls in love with his father's assistant. Ironic.

Religious Freedom in Canada
Canada's first Christian law school will plead its case before Canada's Supreme Court. What is at stake is not small. Trinity Western University in Vancouver has been trying to launch a law program for four years. They've been blocked by legal challenges because the school covenant bars sexual activity outside of traditional marriage, and that, opponents complain, discriminates against LGBT students. So far Canada has refused to accredit any future Trinity Western graduates as a result. The school claims that the value is in line with the school's Christian values and does not discriminate -- it applies to all genders, faiths, and sexual orientations.

Canadians are praying; so should all Christians.

The Dangers ... of Cycling?
I just thought it was an interesting article by a guy who promoted the idea about the damage done by the rush by many cities to promote bicycling. Succumbing to the law of unintended consequences, it turns out that bicycles today "consume more road space than they free up, they add to pollution as well as reducing it, they hurt neighbourhoods and business districts alike, and they have become a drain on the public purse." Huh! Who would have thought? Are we really sure we know what constitutes "harm"?

When Christ Comes ...
Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8) Looking at the state of the Church today, I can see the point of the question. However, looking at fertility rates in the world today, we might just ask, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find anyone at all?" Yeah, sure, overly dramatic. Still, we are not producing children at a replacement rate (2.1 births per woman). In 1964 the world was over five births per woman. Today, the world is below 2.5 live births per woman. In Europe the EU is was at 1.58 live births. The forecast in the U.S. for 2017 is 1.77. In 2009 we were hovering around the replacement rate. No more. Kids are out.

God designed marriage as the union of a man and a woman (Gen 2:24) (something both Australia and Austria failed to notice this week) for the purpose of mutual support (Gen 2:20) and procreation (Gen 1:28). We've jettisoned pretty much all of that. It doesn't look good for us.

Good for the GOP, not the Gander
"A group of Senate Democrats is demanding that an immigration compromise be included in any government funding bill, raising the prospects of a possible government shutdown and rankling members of their own party." Odd that when the GOP threatened the same sort of idea, it was "playing politics", but not when the Dems do it?

The Harm Principle
We're pretty sure that "harm" is the necessary component to define morality, and yet ...

... on top of that "damage of cycling" story we have science telling us that birth control pills increase breast cancer risk. Tell me again how we can be confident that we, not God, can properly define morality.

According to the Law
So, back in 1995 the Congress passed a law with overwhelming approval that required moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. It was supposed to be accomplished by June of 1999. President Clinton didn't do it. Now President Trump plans to do it. ANd he's the bad guy. Ironically, people are saying that Trump will destroy the "peace process." They -- from the American media to the angry Palestinians and the rest -- are apparently unaware that this conflict has been going on for something like 4,000 years since Abraham fathered Ishmael and Isaac. There is no peace process here.


  1. It Figures

    ...because to the homosexual lobby, and thus to the left, man/boy love is not abuse. We must remember that LGBT people are not required to abide the same morality as everyone else.

    Religious Freedom in Canada

    "The school claims that the value is in line with the school's Christian values and does not discriminate -- it applies to all genders, faiths, and sexual orientations."

    And as it happened, the same was true for all marriage law throughout the United States for the vast majority of its history. The criteria for marriage applies equally to all genders, faiths and sexual orientations. Of course, we must remember that LGBT people are not required to abide the same morality as everyone else.

    When Christ Comes ...

    Too many can't be bothered with having two or more kids. Too much work and sacrifice when there are more fun things to enjoy. My wife had two kids from her first marriage and together we added one more. I was forty at the time and felt that were I younger, richer and could have kept the wife drunk long enough, we might have had a dozen.

    Good for the GOP, not the Gander

    We must remember that Democrats are not required to abide the same standards as everyone else.

    According to the Law

    The "peace process" is as fictional as the "nation" of Palestine

  2. I think it’s telling that there is a willful ignorance of those on the left to the growing demand that adult/child sexual activity be normalized and accepted. Especially interesting is the fact that all of the arguments to do so are exactly the same as those to normalize homosexuality. Even down to trying to substitute love for sex.

  3. NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) will benefit from the same arguments as "gay marriage" and "gender dysphoria", as will polygamy, polyamory, object sexuality, and any other "how I want to do it" idea.

  4. Exactly, yet the pro LGBTQ folks will bend overt backwards to hide from that simple reality.

  5. you really need to avoid the words "bend over" and LGBTQ in the same sentence, just saying...

  6. Bob, well played sir, well played.


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