Friday, December 08, 2017

How can these things be?

Sure, Mary asked the question when the angel told her she would be pregnant, but that's not the question here. Since the collapse of biblical marriage and sexual morality, it appears that Christians have lost their minds. (Okay, sure, I'm using the word, "Christian", generously.)

I came across this article by "Hippie Heretic" Chuck McKnight who is in a polyamorous relationship. Oh, not clear on what that is? He defines it as "consensually non-monogamous relationships [where] there is an open agreement that one, both, or all individuals involved in a romantic relationship may also have other sexual and/or romantic partners." He's delighted at the rise in conversations about LGBT issues and people "figuring out what it means to be queer and Christian", but bemoans the fact that his group is left out.
But quietly, there are the thousands of faithful Christians who practice polyamory—living lives of giftedness, dignity, and worth, but receiving next-to-no spiritual support.
Because, you see, it's no longer just "marriage" or biblical sexuality that is not understood by self-professed believers. It is the rejection of the clear statements on the subject from God in His Word and the complete collapse of the understanding of the concept of the "faithful Christian". Hint: You can't classify yourself as "faithful" or "Christian" when you are not faithful or Christian (James 2:17-19).

I don't understand why so many so-called brethren (1 Cor 5:11) engage in clear violations of God's Word and then complain that they're not getting help from God or His people ... to continue in their violations of God's Word. I suppose it's what is called the "debased mind" (Rom 1:28). Don't worry, you who call yourself believers while making a practice of sin (1 John 3:9); I'm here for you. I call it "prayer".


  1. I share your bewilderment. Why call one's self a Christian when one is clearly intent on satiating desires with behaviors clearly prohibited by Christian teaching?

  2. My guess would be because people want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to "feel saved" while indulging in their passions.

  3. Thanks for the link to my post! I do hope you'll continue reading as the series progresses. It may help clear up some of your bewilderment.


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