Monday, January 19, 2015

The Cosby Controversy

Reports seem to vary widely. In one day I heard "more than 12", "up to 20", and "as many as 30" women have come forward accusing Bill Cosby of sexual harassment or sexual assault. At his shows there are protesters and advocates. Studios and advertisers pull out while friends and family stand firm. Just recently Cosby's lawyer came out with the claim of having proof that Cosby wasn't even at the Playboy mansion when Chloe Goins asserts he drugged her. It seems like the Energizer bunny of allegations.

There are a few things that disturb me about this whole thing.

I am disturbed that there are so many accusations. Sure, the media can't figure out how many, it seems, but the fact that there are from a dozen through 30 possible accusations looks, well, damning. If they're lying, it is a conspiracy of some sort. That looks bad for Mr. Cosby.

I am disturbed because no charges have been brought. I mean, seriously, if 30 claim he sexually assaulted them in some way or another (and we'd have to guess there were more who haven't come forward), why has not one single one filed charges? Back then or now? That tends to make Mr. Cosby's denial more credible.

What disturbs me most, however, is neither whether he is guilty as the first point would suggest or not as the second would seem to say. No, it's that so many loud, angry voices are willing to flush the American justice system down the toilet. In our country, you are deemed innocent until proven guilty. Unless, apparently, you're Bill Cosby. Possibly any man accused of rape. Or discrimination. Or if you're a Christian accused of "homophobia". Or ... well, if you look at it for very long it appears as if a large and growing number of Americans are opposed to the American version and would like to institute something different. Trial by media, for instance. That's convenient because then we don't have to worry about pesky difficulties like facts, evidence, reason, or justice.

You see, that one is the most disturbing to me because it has the deepest ramifications.

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