Monday, January 19, 2015

Just a Thought

I'm sure you've all heard about Alex Malarkey, the young boy from and coauthor of The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven who has fessed up and told everyone that it was just made up. Tyndale has pulled it. Apparently they never read the stuff that Paul wrote about the man who "was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak." (2 Cor 12:4). That should have been a clue.

But, seriously, my first clue would have been, "It's written by who? A couple of people named Malarkey?? That sounds like a lot of malarkey to me." My second clue would have been the constant efforts of Beth Malarkey, Alex's mom, to distance herself from the book and beg for the truth instead.

No, actually, I think my first clue would have been that the Bible says it can't happen (go and come back and tell about it). But Christians shouldn't be so narrow-minded that they let the Bible define reality, right?

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