Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Seven Things I May Never Understand

There are just things out there in my world that seem to make no sense to me. Will they ever? So, in no particular order, here are 7 things I may never understand.

1. I cannot fathom an atheist who makes bold assertions about the immorality of a divine being whom he or she says doesn't exist and without which there is no basis for assertions about morality.

2. I don't get people who are judgmental and intolerant of those they deem judgmental and intolerant.

3. I can't figure out practical atheists. You know what that is, right? They're the ones that claim to believe in God and maybe even love Him, but they live as if He doesn't exist, isn't looking, or doesn't care. I can't figure out how to put those two views--love and ignore--together.

4. I will never understand those who say, "We love the Bible and revere the word of God" while arguing that the Bible is full of myths and legends and errors and it would be wrong to claim you can even know for sure what is correct.

5. How do people tell you, "You have to be careful about injecting your own opinion into the Bible" but insist that they're view of "this passage" is right and yours is not? Not because they have any textual, critical, or logical reason. They just are. And you're not.

6. I am stunned by folk who condemn you for being certain--certain that "The Bible says..." or "God says..." or "It's right/wrong to..." or the like--while being certain that they're right about that particular subject.

7. Why do so many people assure you you're wrong without giving anything more than an assurance that you're wrong? No reasons. No logic. No evidence. Perhaps an emotional plea. But nothing concrete or even compelling. Why does that happen so often?

I understand a lot of things in this existence of ours. There are a lot of things I don't. Quite often it has to do with people and how they think. More often I suspect it has to do with sin. Maybe I understand these things better than I think?


  1. Maybe you've just given 7 definitions of depravity.

  2. Definitions, examples, proofs that "Claiming to be wise, they became fools", that sin rots the brain.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I'm still trying to figure out how cussing and grace go together. You scream about grace at the top of your lungs, but when someone refuses to agree with your halfbaked theology, you resort to foul language and make calling. Where does your lauded grace go then?

  7. To my readers, if you happened to see the deleted comments, I apologize. I had temporarily removed the moderating feature thinking that "Let's keep it friendly, though, okay?" would be fair warning and I was mistaken. I'll be more diligent in the future. Mom, I hope you missed that. I'm sorry.

  8. He was one of the reasons I began moderating. You have to admit, he meets all seven of the things we can't understand.

  9. I don't think he classifies himself as an atheist, so there's ONE on my list that doesn't apply.

  10. Well since he believes in a false god, that makes him an operating atheist in my book. :)


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?