Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Setting up for 2016

This is an odd story. The headline reads, "McCain Wages 'All-Out War' to Rid Arizona GOP of Tea Party". It tells of an effort on the part of "Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain's team" to solidify his bid for a sixth term in 2016 ... by eliminating the opposition.

Now, that's odd, isn't it? "In January, members of the state committee lead by tea party supporters formally censured the 2008 GOP presidential nominee for not being conservative enough, particularly on the issues of immigration and the Affordable Care Act." Now, that upset the man. I get it. But he didn't defend himself. He didn't say that he was conservative enough. He didn't argue that his positions on immigration or Obamacare were the right positions. There was no defense or explanation. There was merely attack. His team ousted the author of the resolution and set to work removing any detractors. They marginalized the opposition without bothering to explain or defend their positions.

Nice. I suppose this helps ease my questions of who to support in 2016. Or, perhaps, who not to.

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