Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chief Flip-Flopper

Apparently this "evolution" of the president's thinking is a very odd one. Normally "evolution" leaves one thing as it progresses to another. As it turns out, the president "evolves" by leaving one thing and then coming back to it. In 1996 he told a homosexual newspaper in Chicago "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." In 2004 he was "undecided". In 2008 he affirmed "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union." And now ... oh, look! ... he has "evolved" into the position that he started with.

Who's the flip-flopper now?

On a related note, as Dan has pointed out, "marriage equity" is coming. We'll redefine "marriage" to mean something it has never meant and nothing with much substance and give it back to everyone, an equal gift of mostly useless verbiage. When the "leader of the free world" affirms that marriage must no longer mean what it has always meant, we're not on a road to equality of marriage. We're on a road to equality of no longer meaning much of anything. But don't worry. It's not the gays who have caused this. We've done this over time ourselves. They're just finishing what we started. Welcome to the new "family". And rest assured it's not just "marriage" whose definition will be washed out. Expect "Christian" to do the same. Oh, too late ... never mind.


  1. Can you imagine the outcry of Mitt Romney was to suggest that he was basing policy descisions on how his teenaged daughters/grandaughters feel?

  2. Yes, I'm pretty sure Romney would be the recipient of outrage. On the other hand, our culture has worked so hard at portraying the youth as the wise ones, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that the president has succumbed to the culture.

  3. Youths oppress my people,
    women rule over them. Isa 3:12

  4. Oh, man, Dan, that's WAY too apropos.


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