Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another Hole in the Dam

Well, unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard by now. While North Carolina voted overwhelmingly to retain the historical definition of marriage, the President Obama has voiced his support for something commonly referred to as "gay marriage". I heard some of the interview. It turned my stomach.

The president, speaking to Robin Roberts from ABC News, admitted that a large segment of America values marriage for its traditional definition and the traditional values that holds. He understood that it was for personal and religious and cultural and historical reasons that they do this. His conclusion? "Who cares?" No, he didn't say that. But his disregard for it, knowing it was there, speaks volumes. Yes, those who classify themselves as homosexual make up some thin 2.5%, but the necessary thing here in order to be "equitable" is to redefine a term that has always meant the same basic thing in all cultures, religions, and times throughout history to something new on behalf of this tiny slice of America. To me, it's a strange sense of "equitable". I suppose it's just as "equitable" as "steal from those who have earned a lot of money to give to those without" ... or not.

The other jab in the stomach was what the president used as his primary motivation for this change of heart.
In the end the values that I care most deeply about and [Michelle] cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated*.
Really? The primary motivation for this is his Christian views?

To married Americans, I apologize on behalf of the president that our people elected. Your marriage, if he has his way, will shift its meaning from the God-defined union of two people to "a close association of two people". I'm sorry. If you thought you were getting a marriage, you may need to find a state that has retained that original definition. Don't make it California. They did; the courts changed the will of the people.

To the world, I apologize on behalf of genuine Christians everywhere. This notion of endorsing things that are violations of God's stated position is not real Christianity. Please, please, don't get confused. Just because someone says they're "practicing Christians" doesn't mean they are.

And I apologize as well to my heavenly Father. Once again someone has invoked You as a reason for violating Your will. I do rest in the fact that You remain Sovereign, that none of this is a surprise to You, and you will not remain silent. Of course, that's a little chilling to think about from a human perspective.
* For the record, I know there are some who would like to be treated as far superior to anyone else, being allowed to take whatever they want for their own satisfaction. I'm not one. I don't want to steal from others in order to make myself feel better. I don't consider that "equitable". That "Golden Rule" won't apply here.


  1. Really? The primary motivation for this is his Christian views?

    Yes, Stan. That is one thing you seem to keep missing. For all your disagreement with us, we disagree precisely because of our faith, because of our desire to follow God and do God's Will. You are entirely free to disagree with our opinions, but you can't disagree with our motivations. Implications that those who disagree with you do so because we hate God are part of the reason you all are losing this argument and in ten-twenty years, marriage equity will be the norm.

  2. So lovely how he blamed Jesus for his change in views. Of course it had nothing to do with his gay donors withholding $$$$.

  3. Excellent, Dan, we won't question motives. So when an Anders Breivik (the Norway massacre) claims to be killing in the name of Jesus, we'll say, "Well, yes, I'm sure he is. We mustn't question his motives."

    You know something, Dan, I actually agree with you on this point. In a relatively short while marriage equity will be the norm. It will cease to exist as it has historically, biblically, culturally, or traditionally for everyone. But we're not "losing this argument" because we stand with Scripture on it. We're losing it because of the father of lies, the god of this world, the roaring lion ... and God's willingness to dismantle and judge nations as a reminder of His Sovereignty and Justice.

  4. @Neil:

    Actually, if he "evolved" to this "new position" (seriously, did anyone doubt this was where he was going?) because of money, I'd be understanding. Not favoring, but understanding. Telling me it's because of his Christian faith is galling to the extreme.

  5. Stan,
    Excellent post, and OUTSTANDING response to heretic Dan.


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