Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where Your Treasure Is

We all know that verse, don't we? "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt 6:21). We get that. We know that to be true. You will put your heart into those things that you consider important. Conversely, although you say something or other is important, if you aren't putting your heart into it, it's just not the case. You don't really believe it.

What is it that we treasure? Read the headlines and you might get a picture.
Plastic Surgery Booms for Older Americans
83-Year-Old Gets Breast Implants to Keep Up With Kids

America's Disease is Greed
Fear and greed supplant rationality
There are a couple of items for starters. What do we as a culture treasure? Well, look at where our hearts are. Look at where we are spending our time, energy, efforts. Youth and beauty on one hand, and "more" -- greed -- on the other. You could try, but I think you'd be hard pressed to defend any notion that these two factors are not major "treasures" in our culture. Looking good, being "young", and having "stuff", these are prime movers for so many of us. Other values like "self-sacrifice" and "cooperation" and "generosity" and even "family" are far less important to us when measured on the "where your heart is" scale.

As a matter of worldly views, I suppose it's entirely one might expect. As a matter of those seeking to follow Christ, I would think you'd agree that these "treasures" would be problematic. So, what does your life, your effort, your value system, your time say about what you treasure? I'm not asking what you say you treasure. I'm asking if your life reflects it.


  1. C.A.P.I.T.A.L.I.S.M.

    This the term that defines America and you must live with it, pal, until our Lord comes back in a couple of years or in the next hour. I hope he comes back in the next hour but know what? I'm thinking like a fundamentalist. Our Lord won't come back until all the events have passed in Revelations, we're only 60% through.

  2. 83-year-old getting breast implants?!??! This is truly an upside-down world.


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