Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do you do with this?

Remaining consistent with the text and your theology ...
Divine Blinding
But their eyes were kept from recognizing Him (Luke 24:16).

Human Culpability
And He said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!" (Luke 24:25).

Divine Revelation
And their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him (Luke 24:31).
Does your theology allow for a God who blinds, holds humans responsible for their lack of belief, and opens eyes without permission?


  1. For the divine binding, God is telling us in Luke that humans have the option to choose not to hear or see and when they choose not to hear or see they cause suffering for themselves because of the reasons why humans choose not to hear or see. I've written a blog post under "Faithful Initiatives" called, 'Wisdom for Generations' take a look at it.

    For Human Culpability, this is pretty much in my blog right here.

    First of all, God does know blind anyone but we blind ourselves. I can't tell if you're a Christian or not, you're not fooling me, Stan.

  2. I'd suggest that the first clue that I'm not a Christian at all is that, when it comes to the Bible, I truly believe and take it for what it says. When it says that God does indeed shut up the eyes and ears of some, I believe it. It isn't me, but Scripture that says, "Therefore they could not believe. For again Isaiah said, 'He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them'" (John 12:39-40). Only a true non-Christian would believe the Bible for all it says. Oh ... wait ... I have that backwards ...

  3. Who is this guy that keeps popping up? He doesn't see to get anything right!

  4. Yeah, but he did give the "right answer" ... "humans have the option to choose." Of course, it's not the biblical answer and, in answer to the post ("Does your theology allow for a God who blinds, holds humans responsible for their lack of belief, and opens eyes without permission?"), I would suppose that his answer is "No!"


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