Friday, January 21, 2011

What's Next?

I find this utterly reprehensible. An unnamed couple in Australia terminated the lives of twin sons conceived using IVF because the couple already had three sons and wanted a daughter. Seriously ... utterly reprehensible.

Given today's pro-abortion stance, try to use their logic to suggest that this in any way could be construed as "wrong". If the "gold standard" is "women's choice" and this woman chose, on what possible basis can they suggest it was "immoral"?

To terminate the life of a child is horrendous. To terminate the life of two is twice as horrible. To murder them because "we wanted a girl" is beyond abominable. But to argue against it in today's judicial climate is impossible. I don't even know where to find the argument that, given the mantra of "women's choice", Dr. Kermit Gosnell (He cut the spinal cords of babies induced in late term because their mothers wanted to terminate their pregnancies and is now charged with murder) should be charged. How is "late term" somehow "murder" but earlier on it is not?

I'm appalled. I'm horrified. But I'm not surprised. It's an inexorable result when we submit to "women's choice" specifically or "what I want" in general as our measure of moral values.


  1. In response to your title...Judgement?

  2. I wonder if the alternative (more decline into depravity) isn't worse than judgment.


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