Thursday, January 20, 2011

Don't Tell Me You Love Me

Back in 1980 Sweet Comfort sang, "Don't Tell Me You Love Me", a song apparently sung from God's perspective. The song opens with, "Don't tell me you love me if you won't show me your love." The flavor, the idea, is in this line: "Don't sing me your love songs if your lyric and your life don't rhyme."

It seems to me that "Your lyric and your life don't rhyme" is the definition of far too many self-professed Christians. She made it late to the birthday party because she was tied up with her volunteer work at her church, but she's here now, so, don't worry; she'll catch up with the heavy drinkers in no time. He is a self-proclaimed Christian, but his status on Facebook tells how his girlfriend is moving in today. I'm not talking about slips. I'm not talking about "events", those times we all have when we all fall short. I'm talking about the set-your-face-to-openly-and-knowingly-and-continually-defy-God kind of things -- the practice of sin.

John wrote, "No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God" (1 John 3:9). But so many who call themselves "followers of Christ" (which is the intent of the word, "Christian") run headlong from Him. They boldly and continually make a practice of sin. They can be found in church on Sunday, maybe even teaching. They may be "members in good standing" and looked up to by many. They may practice apologetics and call for "biblical morality". But by their fruit they are practical atheists.

I can still hear God saying, "Don't tell Me you love Me if you won't give Me your love." What about you? Does your walk match your talk? Does your life reflect the love of God you claim it does? I'm not talking about perfection. I'm talking about the general trend. We all fail. But when you do, does it bother you, or do you defend it? Do you love God? Does your life show it? Does your lyric and your life rhyme?


  1. SCB, that brings back some memories.

  2. Used to love their music. Not so much these days. (Of course, that's just because they don't play anymore.) I heard they were preparing for a reunion tour. Of course, their longtime bassist, Kevin Thomson, died last year, so I'm guessing he won't join them.

  3. I have a few good memories of them, but was more of a DeGarmo and Key/Petra guy back then,

    To answer your question. No my life doesn't always look the way it should, but those instances are diminishing. It's pretty sweet when everything is in tune though.

  4. Love the title of your post.

  5. DeGarmo and Key ... yeah, okay. Petra ... I liked them. But my favorite back then was Steve Taylor.

  6. Yeah, Dan, sheer genius, ain't it?

    Actually, I was thinking about the topic over the weekend and your post (which wasn't connected in topic, it seemed) really capped the title question. Thanks.

  7. I got into Steve Taylor later in life, what great music.


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