Friday, October 08, 2010

Mohler on Yoga

Just last month the ever popular Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote a post asking Should Christians Practice Yoga? His answer, of course, was, "No!" Well, it seems Yahoo picked it up and now the good doctor is getting all sorts of nasty emails from Christians who disagree.

I'm not writing this to agree or disagree with Dr. Mohler. I'm not writing this to point out that "nasty emails" and "from Christians" are two phrases that shouldn't be stuck together. I'm not writing this to ask, "People ... seriously ... yoga ... really? Is that what gets your knickers in a twist?" I'm not even writing it to point out the vast number of inane people who have commented on his views with such hate and mindlessness. I'm writing because there was a line so wonderful in his blog that I suspect it was missed ... perhaps even by him. Referring to the incredible influx of unhappy emails (at a rate of about a hundred an hour) he says, "These people get bent out of shape fast." Now that's a funny line.

1 comment:

  1. Time for an increased and more intense Yoga regement. Peeeeeeaaaaaaacccccee... Caaaaaaallllllllmmmmmmm....
    Noooooo Moooooee Mooooohhhhllllleeeerrrr


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