Saturday, October 09, 2010

Facebook Meme

So, there I was, logging into Facebook the other evening to check up on things. Now, the women who are "friended" on my Facebook are almost entirely either family or church friends. Imagine, then, my utter confusion when I started reading entries from these women about where they "liked it". "I like it on the kitchen counter." "I like it on the piano." What? What is this? I can't say for sure ... but it doesn't sound right.

Well, the story is out. Facebook asked women to change their status to say, "I like it ..." and then fill in where they put their purses when they got home. Why? Well, it's all in the name of Breast Cancer Awareness. You know, "Support Breast Cancer Awareness by telling us where you like to put your purse." That kind of thing. (I can't know the right wording because I quite literally didn't get the memo.) So these status statements starting with "I like it" and followed by a place in the house were simply a secret act of solidarity among women on Facebook to promote the defeat of breast cancer.

Now, I have to say that I'm all in favor of fighting breast cancer. It's a bad thing and I'm in favor of fixing it. And I can see how "Walk Against Breast Cancer" events raise money to continue to fight the malady. I get that. And I can see how those little pink ribbon things that people wear or stick on their cars or the like keep the whole problem of breast cancer in mind so people will work to fight it. I get all that. But ... what's this all about?

I get it. It's "camaraderie". It's a binding of secret society, exchanged winks among the "in" group. But it strikes me as really odd. What is the connection of this clearly intended sexual innuendo to breast cancer? How does a secret message about purses advance the cause of fighting that cancer? How does a secret anything keep the public aware of anything? Worse, does this kind of thing encouraging women to do secret messages with strange insinuations make them think they are doing something about the actual problem ... thereby short-circuiting actually doing something about it?

Breast cancer is a bad thing. To the best of my knowledge, it is not solely a problem for women. To the best of my knowledge, it is not caused nor solved by placing purses in their favorite places. I have not yet read a report connecting purse placement to breast cancer. While I would like to see it faced, treated, defeated, I just have to wonder about strategies that include "Save the ta-tas", "Describe your bra", and "In a sexually suggestive way, tell us where you like to put your purse" in getting the word out, attracting funds, and getting the job done. Is that really the best we can do?


  1. So THAT'S what that's all about. Thank you. My daughter is doing a project on Breast Cancer Awareness and today I was perusing a prominent website (Susan G. Komen Foundation). I noticed that Planned Parenthood is a partner, which kind of turned me off to be honest.

  2. Yeah, go figure. "Here's the plan. We'll make everyone aware of breast cancer ... by means of a secret message that makes no sense and connects in no way to the idea of breast cancer awareness. Brilliant!" Now, what "Planned Parenthood" would have to do with the topic is beyond me.

  3. I've since done some research and will post it in my PM post. The Komen foundation says that Planned Parenthood uses their money to help women get breast cancer check-ups and the like. However, taking into account the heinous activities of PP, and the ubiquitousness of pro-life pregnancy centers (they outnumber PP clinics), there is no excuse to partner with Planned Parenthood over pro-life pregnancy centers. A search of the Komen website for "pro-life" and "pregnancy center" turned up nothing. A foundation to help save women from breast cancer sees a need to prop up the nation's biggest abortion provider. Weird and sad.

  4. I totally agree! I have family members sending me messages with the story behind it-but I refuse to post that as a status. I agree with you about not understanding the sexual innuendo and fighting breast cancer. Amen!

  5. You're not alone in your confusion of what this is for. My wife pointed me to a couple of other links of women that were upset about the lack of usefulness of such things as where you like your purse.


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