Sunday, July 05, 2009

Way Back Machine

Early in my blogging experience, I did a series of posts that I thought of as "Marriage 101".

1. Introduction

2. Role of the Wife - Part 1

3. Role of the Wife - Part 2

4. Role of the Wife - Part 3

5. Role of the Wife - Summary

6. Role of the Husband - Part 1

7. Role of the Husband - Part 2

8. Role of the Husband - Part 3

9. Role of the Husband - Summary

10. Mutual Submission

11. Final Summary

I tried to address the main issues that I saw. I thought they needed a lot of addressing. But ... who would have thought, in the relatively short time since these posts, that I'd be defending the very idea that marriage was between a man and a woman? (I mean, seriously, how does "role of wife" and "role of husband" fit with something called "same-sex marriage" in any sense?) So while "marriage" was taken for granted to mean "husband and wife" and I was busy trying to sort out what the Bible requires of each gender, others were changing definitions on me. Go figure.

Anyway, if you have some time and you're not hostile to marriage as it has always been defined and you're interested in what the Bible has to say about these roles we fill, perhaps you'd be edified by taking a little time and reading through them.

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