Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Search for Answers

There are debates that have gone on in Christendom for centuries within orthodoxy. The existence of the concept, for instance, of predestination cannot be questioned. It's a biblical term. The question is exactly how that works or how far it goes. The doctrine of Election is unavoidable, but is it an individual term or a group term? Only the most narrow-minded individuals will claim "If you don't have this doctrine right, you're not a Christian." It's not a question of salvation; it's a question of doctrine. Now, I've already argued that doctrine is important, so the question arises as to exactly how important these types of issues really are.

One of the most common responses I've heard from Christians on these types of points goes something like this. "They've been debating this for centuries. What makes you think you're going to come up with the answer?" It sounds reasonable. It serves to stop discussion. It aids in preventing dialog. It's a good way to stop asking the question. Oh, wait ... is that a good thing? Here's the question. Is doctrine important or isn't it? I already weighed in on that. So is it a good thing to ask these questions and discuss these issues or isn't it? From my position on the importance of doctrine, I'd argue that we should be engaging in these dialogs. So how would I respond to such a position? Well, of course, I'd offer enlightenment to the actual truth of the doctrine in question.

No, I'm kidding. I'm not here to solve the questions of the ages. But here is what I would suggest. Maybe I/we cannot solve the questions once and for all, but is there an answer? Is there a right answer? If you would agree that there is a right answer, then it would seem natural that all lovers of God would want to find the right answer. And just because you don't find concurrence on the right answer doesn't mean that it's not the right answer.

On issues of salvation, we are mostly in agreement. There are fringe elements, to be sure, who argue otherwise, but basic, orthodox Christianity is in agreement that Man is sinful, that salvation comes through Christ alone, and only by faith in Christ can we be saved. Bingo! Christianity! There are natural derivatives. Is the Bible God's Word? If you are going to have any reason to believe anything about Christianity, you'll have to conclude that it is or Christianity loses its meaning. And what about the nature of God? Well, if you want to get right with God and be a follower of Christ, it seems essential that you'd need to have a right view of God and Christ. So doctrines like the Deity of Christ and the Trinity become non-negotiable. But, truth be told, Christians as a whole have these down without much argument. If there is debate it is in the details, the wording, the exact nature of these types of things. Despite the fact that lots of people point at Christianity and say, "You guys can't even agree on your own beliefs," we are for the large part in agreement on our own beliefs.

I would urge you, then, not to give up on searching out the truth about these other issues. What is the extent of Predestination? What exactly is the Doctrine of Election? You will not find sufficient answers to prove the case to everyone, but that is irrelevant. What is important is that you search and find answers that convince you. It's not a matter of being right. It's not a matter of being arrogant. It's a matter of rightly representing God and His truth. As such, we don't likely need to stand at our ramparts and launch attacks at those with opposing views. It should be a charitable discussion with fellow believers on matters of doctrine that don't affect salvation. But it should be a discussion. It should be a search. It should be a question worth answering. Don't give up because someone says, "They've been debating this for centuries. What makes you think you're going to come up with the answer?" There are answers, whether or not everyone concurs. Find them.

1 comment:

  1. Very Good Post.

    You know sense is that we have a hard time with these doctrines, because we have lost sight of the soverignty of The LORD.

    At time we seem to have elevated the doctrine of free will to a place where it kicks The LORD off the throne.

    Gods soverignty,Free Will, Pre-destination...Election...I believe fall under the same cover...

    The earth is The LORDS and the fullness thereof, and HE will do as HE pleases.

    I believe The Lord has left these doctrines ust as He wanted them, so we would keep our eyes on Christ adn Him crucified..and proclaim the good news..

    And so our heads wouldnt get to big..needing to kow everything :)


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