Monday, April 28, 2008

Bloody Mess

I imagine that one or two of you are thinking, "Hey, where's Stan?!" I like to think I'm consistent enough that some who like reading this blog are used to knowing that it will be fresh when you're ready to read it. Well, not today.

I went to the Emergency Room this morning. Three years ago I had a blood clot in my right leg. This morning it was a left-leg clot. The last one was below the knee, so it was "safe". This one was in the upper thigh, so I spent the day in a hospital room being ... watched. I was probed, injected, shot several times (okay, so "injected" and "shot" are redundant), pierced, tested ... and finally released. They have given up thinking I'm going to die any moment. Hey, they've got plans for me (doctors' appointments) for weeks to come!

It makes me think, though. It makes me think how fragile life is. I'm preparing to celebrate a son's graduation from college, a third grandchild, and a son's upcoming nuptials. Wouldn't it be rude of me to die? Still, without any illness, injury, or even vaguely reasonable explanation, I was on the verge of a sudden death. We don't often enough thank God for the breaths we take.

It makes me think how fearfully and wonderfully we are made. There are processes, chemicals, hormones, mechanisms, and so much more that are all at work all the time without us taking control that all work together to ... keep us alive. Let loose a microscopic piece of coagulated blood in the system and it could cause a problem. But think about this: Most of the time it all works. Isn't that astounding?! We breathe, our hearts beat, our organs filter, mend, produce, our brains run (in truly amazing, unfathomable ways), and we aren't really aware of it ... until something doesn't.

I'm grateful for life. I'm grateful for family. I'm grateful for work. I'm grateful for health. All this comes to mind because today I was closer to death than usual.


  1. Well, I'm praying for a full and swift recovery and that God won't be done with you for a long time unless of course He is. Either way, God is awesome, eh? Take care.

  2. Hey, get those overactive clotting factors of yours to calm down a bit! I did wonder what was up with no new blog this morning. Tell your lovely bride to keep you calm with plenty of birdwatching.

    I'm sure you are in good hands with the doctors, etc. Take it easy & keep posting your random thoughts.

  3. Thanks to you (and others via email) for your concern for me. I understand more and more what Paul meant when he said, "To live is Christ and to die is gain." Frankly, to be in the presence of the King would be a marvelous thing ... but apparently God's not ready for that yet. When it happens I'm hoping those who know me best will say, "Yay for Stan!" In the meantime, I'll try to take care of myself and do what I can for God's glory.

  4. Glad to hear you're okay! ~10km

  5. Brother Stan, if you get there first, save a place for me. I think we'll be on the same street...I've put in my request to be near a bunch of Smith's. I think I have a good chance...Jeff

  6. Jeff, you're family. You'll be on the street with us and welcome to it.

  7. I was one who wondered where you were. And am glad you are doing better.

  8. I'm touched, I really am. "You love me! You really love me!" I appreciate all the well-wishes. And there seems to be a host of people who read my blog that I never suspected. How cool! Every cloud has its silver lining, I suppose.

  9. Stan! I just read this last night. I am so sorry you had to go through this. But, as I am always, always reminded: all things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

    I am praising God that you are all right.

  10. Whoa, glad you're okay. We'll be praying.

    It truly is amazing how life in all its complexity works as robustly as it does.


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