Saturday, September 21, 2024

News Weakly - 9/21/2024

Enemies of Life
Enemies of life in the womb have really ratcheted up their campaigns, haven't they? Especially in states that have tried to ban abortion or limit it severely. Now the ACLU is suing Florida for "misinformation" on abortion because "Safe abortion is a human right." Not a baby human's life, apparently. "Abortion doesn't threaten women's safety," they claim, although "threaten women's safety" is ambiguous if you include the mental, emotional, and spiritual long-term damage it does. The ACLU, again, is anxious to deprive the unborn of their American civil liberties in the name of American civil liberties. Go figure.

No Justice, No Peace
Because of her great regard for the law, District Attorney Fani Willis failed to appear at a hearing that was about her investigation. "I decide when a subpoena is valid, and any subpoena issued to me is not." Apparently. But, trust her, she's all about the law and justice ... except where it involves her.

Another Patriot
You're all aware that there was a 2nd assassination attempt on Trump over the weekend. I'm sure the shooter was a patriot because he was doing his part to defend American democracy from the existential threat of tyranny that is Donald Trump. We know this because the loud-and-long Dems and their mainstream-media lackeys keep telling us so. Along with things like "Project 2025 is Donald Trump's attempt to ban abortion" and the like. You know ... lies and slander. Or, as I like to call it, politics as usual.

Filed Under "What Could Go Wrong?"
The U.S. Navy has commissioned their first "co-ed" submarine where males and females (or whatever, I guess) serve side by side. Given the longstanding, well-known history of military males in general and sailors in particular in regards to women, I can't imagine why anyone would think this was a bad idea. Because diversity in combat is integral to a good fighting machine. Sorry. Could not say that with a straight face.

News You Can't Trust
The headline: "Disney trips meant for homeless students went to NYC school employees' kids." The cads! The bounders! What a corrupt system!! Well, now, hang on. Turns out it was 6 of them -- six corrupt NYC school employees. Out of ... what ... thousands? Yes, that was bad. No, it's not widespread. And this illustrates the central problem of "news." We hear the headline and think. "The world is coming to an end!!" (Think "Child kidnapped from park" or "School shooting!" or "COVID" ... news stories that have shaped our lives even though they were in the extreme minority.)

As I Was Saying
So, as it turns out, another "conspiracy theory" has been confirmed. A recent study has linked the COVID pandemic with a market in Wuhan, China ... like so many were saying and so many "better informed" were dismissing. Because if there is anything we can trust in this world, it's the news media and science. Oh, and politicians. Definitely politicians.

The World Turns
In an expected and disappointing resolution, the UN has declared itself "antisemitic," essentially agreeing with the pro-Palestinian "from the river to the sea" mantra. They have decided that the defenders need to withdraw from the aggressors, that Israel needs to get out of Palestine. Israel needs to withdraw so Hamas can recover and return to their prior efforts of the genocide of Israel. Now they can do it with the UN's blessing. (In what way is that "united" nations?)

And now the Bee Side
Lots of news about the latest assassination attempt. The media is worried that these constant attempts might distract from the plight of illegal immigrants. On the other hand, Biden has assured the nation that the next assassin will be a woman of color. In an unrelated story, it appears that Rashida Tlaib was uninjured after her pager mysteriously exploded. That's odd.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Enemies of Life
    They even are accusing anti-abortion laws in Georgia for the deaths of 2 women that did not successfully perform a perfectly "safe" chemical abortion because the dead bodies didn't expel on their own and became septic. Harris and Oprah are blaming the "ambiguity" of the law for the deaths. They claim that doctors delayed performing a D and C for fear of the law. Just like the woman from Roe, just another woman used by the system to attain their own goals. They completely ignore the fact that the only reason those women are dead is because they used yet another rushed drug pushed through by the administrative state to kill more humans.

    No Justice, No Peace
    Not surprising. The news recently has been full of law related people treating the law as "rules for thee, but not for me". One guy was caught on camera that admitted to having orgies and parties during COVID, while at the same time enforcing the lock downs that prevented people from leaving their homes or going to church.

    Another Patriot
    How they do not see this logical flow is beyond me. And tied with the Bee article about the immigrants, that's actually not satire, because they are doing exactly that by blaming the attempt and some fake bomb threats in Springfield on his comments in the debate about the migrants eating the cats and dogs.

    Filed Under "What Could Go Wrong"
    Guarantee more than half the female crew will be out on maternity leave (or aborting more babies) within a year. I'm sorry, but you cram 100 20-something's into a small metal tube for months at a time, in a culture that believes sex with anyone at anytime is a constitutional right, this is a recipe for disaster. Plus, who was sitting around thinking, "If only there were woman in subs, we'd have an even better chance of winning engagements." What do women bring to submarines that men can't do better? You know will cure this illness of thinking that women in combat roles is a good idea? Combat. The fact that America has been in relative peace for 80 years has twisted our view of what works in combat. Yes, we've had Iraq and Afghanistan, but those were merely regional conflicts that only politicians and families of military members really paid attention to. Nobody was worried about their home no longer existing if they lost. And now that combat is mostly disconnected from our people due to our technology, killing through a screen can be done by anyone.

    News You Can't Trust
    Back when people actually read news articles, catching headlines like that were effective at getting people to read the article. But so often now, the article isn't the purpose of the headline, the headline is the purpose of the article. Most people are simply going to read the headline, get upset, and not actually read anything more. And the media knows it.

  2. As I Was Saying
    It is simply amazing to me how something everyone knew to be true could be painted over that fast, simply because the Democrats opponent said it. I remember that it was originally stated that it came from a viral testing facility in Wuhan, China, that got into a local market. But Trump says "China" a couple times and now we have know clue where it came from or what caused it.

    The World Turns
    I wonder, where does the UN think Israel was on October 7th a year ago? Oh right, not in Gaza or West Bank. There already was effectively a two-state situation there. Israel in their land, letting Gaza choose their own leadership. And now, that leadership is doing everything it can to kill all Jews, get it's own citizens killed, and starving their own citizens by hijacking the aid SENT BY ISRAEL for their civilians. In what conflict in human history has the defending force provided aid to the population of an attacking force while in the middle of active combat? It's not Israel's fault that the aid doesn't actually get to the people. It is the UN's fault for not doing what they said they would when Israel pulled out of Gaza the first time. NATO was supposed to be in Gaza after Israel pulled back. Why should Israel believe anything the UN has to say now?

    And Now The Bee Side
    They would probably like the woman of color assassin because then they could blame her failure on racism.

  3. Unrelated to your post, but I spent a couple of hours enjoying your airport last Thursday. Because the most efficient way to get from MSP to SLC is through PHX.

  4. Really? I didn't see you there. (Of course, I wasn't in the vicinity, but ...) It was good weather that day. Back over 105° these days.

  5. I'm shocked that you weren't just hanging around the Southwest gates at the airport. We never got outside and missed the heat. Fortunately SLC had much nicer weather.


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