Saturday, August 31, 2024

News Weakly - 8/31/2024

Note: I apologize for the short News Weakly. It seems like it has been a slow news week. Or ... apathy on my part?

False Alarm
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a warning of a "worldwide catastrophe" from the rising sea level caused by global climate change. Mind you, NASA says sea level is up 105mm from 1990. That's 4 inches. My wife and I are looking at mountain property -- you know ... at least a foot above sea level -- just to be safe.

Home prices have hit a record high -- 5.4% higher than last year. Thanks, again, Mr. President. Do you suppose Kamala will freeze housing prices if elected?

Need We Say More?
The Harris-Walz campaign has hired Rev. Jen Butler (yes, a female) to head their "faith outreach." Butler is a "well-known liberal religious advocate" and not unexpected, but clearly the Harris-Walz campaign is not including actual Christianity in its "faith outreach."

Oh, Really?
This story is so obvious it's painful. Apparently ... get this ... after so many states have legalized marijuana ... the use of cannabis is at an all time high! Go figure! No, seriously ... how is this a story? Of course if you legalize something like that, it will be abused more than ever. Did they think otherwise?

Going Down to Babylon (Bee)
Harris and Walz have agreed to a joint interview (actual story). Or, as the Bee puts it, a "strong, capable woman asks a man to come with her to her job interview in case they ask any hard questions." Right? An actually disturbing Bee story is about how pro-lifers are criticized for asking pro-life candidates to support pro-life policies. Too true to be entirely "fake news." Finally, the Attorney General has reminded Americans that questioning the results of the 2024 election is illegal ... unless, of course, Trump wins.

I know it's true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I understand the apathy. Ever since the assassination attempt I've decided I'm voting for Trump. But nothing he has said after that about abortion has made me want to keep that plan. But since I'm not voting for him because I think he's going to make any real difference, what he says no longer matters. Since I already believe this country is doomed, the only thing I see Harris doing is accelerating that demise. I'm not hopeful for a change of course if either side wins.

    False Alarm
    I wonder, do they have enough historical data to determine that the sea levels have maintained a constant level until the Industrial Revolution? I would imagine that sea levels have been fluctuating for millennia.

    No, she has flat out said she wants to continue to inflate housing prices by giving out more "free" money for home buying.

    Need We Say More?
    I'm sorry, why does a government organization need a "faith outreach"? I thought there was supposed be a separation between church and state? I hate that phase because it doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means now, but it actually seems like it might be getting close to applying here even by my definition.

    Oh, Really?
    Do they truly not understand human nature? You don't even need a Christian worldview to know that when you stop preventing people from doing something, more people are going to do it. Especially on the drug thing. When it was illegal, I had no clue where to get marijuana if I'd wanted to. Now, there are about 5 distributors within 5 minutes from me and who knows how many within 10. Plus it becomes less of a stigma to be a user of it. It simply proves how effective the law is at informing social norms. Roe v Wade was hard fought to allow abortion. And while there has always been people wanting abortions, legal and social stigma reduced the numbers. Now that it's been overturned, we're seeing how much the law changed our social norm on the right to life.

    Going Down To Babylon (Bee)
    A lot of people I listen to were calling Walz her little corgi. He definitely seemed to be playing the role of her emotional support animal.
    Again, the Bee predictive rather than satirical since pro-lifers are being attacked for wanting actual pro-life policies from their pro-life politicians. Trump certainly appears to be trying to pettle to the Left about abortion, while touting how he got Roe overturned. Of course, it has always bothered me that he makes that claim, because I have zero belief that his intention in who he put up for Justice was with the goal of overturning Roe. It is simply a coincidence that he is trying to use to his advantage politically.

  2. If Harris is able to enact her $25k down payment giveaway, it's likely to drive house prices up.


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