Saturday, August 24, 2024

News Weakly - 8/24/2024

Proving Futility (Rom 1:21)
According to recent guidelines from the EEOC -- the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- it is governmental policy that "misgendering" someone (specifically, here, in the workplace) is illegal. To refuse to use the pronouns someone might prefer or to require them to use the bathroom "or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual's gender identity," for instance, is "harassment" creating a "hostile work environment" and could cost you. Texas AG Ken Paxton has filed suit to block it. You see the problem, don't you? If "sex" is biology and "gender" is ... a social construct for the expression of "sex," then "sex" and "gender" are not the same thing, and requiring "gender identity" to drive access to "sex-related" things is confusion. They aren't the same thing. But apparently we're not paying attention ... to ourselves. The Supreme Court seems to get it. They blocked expansion of the Title IX rules aimed at including "gender identity" which, clearly, those that made the law had no intention of doing.

Just Impeachy
The GOP dropped an impeachment report on President Biden as the Democrats kicked off their convention this week. They accuse Biden of peddling influence and obstruction. Those who embrace the Left will call it lies and those who lean to the Right will say, "Yeah, we already knew that," but, bottom line, there's nothing to see here. Biden is not running for reelection. His next step is retirement, and impeachment will have little effect there. Not entirely sure what the intent here is, but, hey, whatever the GOP wishes to accomplish (as if we would expect any accomplishments from government, right?).

Ain't Science Grand?
According to recent research, people who scroll through videos to avoid boredom suffer from increased boredom. The behavior, they say, makes the experience "less satisfying, less engaging, and less meaningful." The popular fix is only making things worse ... like many of our "popular fixes."

Oh, Yeah ...
The DNC had its convention this week. Yawn. Now, if you think I say that because I'm opposed to the DNC, I'm pretty sure, if you look back, I said pretty much the same thing about the GOP version. Not news. "Kamala is great yada, yada, yada ... Trump is an existential threat blah, blah, blah." But if I don't mention it, someone is going to be ... miffed.

Puny God
A government report says that too much fluoride is linked to lower IQ in kids. You know ... the levels in our drinking water. Although science said it was good for them before. It still amazes me that people prefer to worship Science as their god rather than ... you know ... the actual God. Puny god.

To Thine Own Self Bee True
The Bee lived up to it's "Best source for fake news" motto this week with the DNC convention. No, Black people were not turned away because they didn't have the required photo ID. No, Michelle Obama did not exit the DNC on an "Eat the Rich" palanquin (look it up). No, Joe Biden was not found in a dumpster behind the DNC Convention Center. But you might forgive them for thinking it might be so.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
P.S. I joke about "It must be true; I read it on the Internet" because I consider it a necessity to test what I read and hear rather than taking everything at face value. It seems, however, that I'm in the minority. It is stunning how people, regardless of their political leanings, etc., will hear a speech like Harris's final speech at the DNC Convention or read a conspiracy theory from their favorite blogger and believe it because it was stated as true. Our media -- news, Internet, social, etc. -- has demonstrated that it is "of the devil" -- from the father of lies. They lie regularly and get away with it because no one is fact-checking and, if they are, they're falsely fact-checking. We have become a gullible nation of sheep following whichever shepherd sounds good to us and we wonder why our government and national morality is such a mess.


  1. It's interesting that all this gender nonsense is actually creating a patriarchy that the feminists can embrace. At the DNC, they removed some women's restrooms to be gender neutral, leaving more men's rooms than women's, which I find rather odd, since I'm my experience, at large gatherings, women's restrooms have longer lines than men's do. But at least all those men that want to be women can be comfortable.

    On the impeachment, I thought the same thing with Trump's second impeachment. What's the purpose here? Even if the hearing actually goes forward, he's going to be out of office before any conclusion can be made.

    Once again we prove that we struggle with identifying what truly is harmful.

    True, the RNC was just a pep-rally, but I can at least say for the DNC they succeeded in annoying me.

    Reports will find whatever the reporters want to report. I still remember two reports, one saying chocolate causes cancer and the other saying chocolate prevents cancer.

    On the Bee and IDs, I think they're just making fun of the fact that there DNC required ID to enter, but their continued argument against voter ID laws is how hard it is for minorities to obtain IDs. I truly hope I have no cognitive dissonance, because when I hear other's, it makes my head hurt.

  2. Stan and David,

    I agree that the gender stuff is actually imposing a different sort of patriarchy. It's simply allowing men to invade and dominate women's spaces via cosplay.

    I agree that the impeachment was kind of ridiculous, although getting the information out might not be a bad thing. It's not going to change anyone's mind or make any difference. They waited too long.

    So it's racist to require black voters to obtain readily available, free, ID to vote but not to enter the DNC/Fly/get a prescription/get welfare/cash a check/etc.


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