Monday, July 01, 2024

Show and Tell

It's interesting to drive across this country of ours. From the Pacific Ocean to the Mojave Desert, from Arizona's deserts to Arizona's pine forests, from New Mexico's desert to Texas plains, from the deep South through the northern regions, from the plains to the peaks, and on and on. Always changing. Infinitely variable. Entire habitats, phenomenon (from earthquakes to volcanos to tornados to hurricanes), weather conditions, life forms, plant life ... it's a constant barrage of creation.

The world would like to tell you that this biodiversity, this vast and complex universe from the smallest atom to the largest star is the product of chance, of random events and mutations. The demand is that everything we see in all its wonder and grandeur ... came from nothing at all. They point to Darwin (who actually made no effort to explain the origin of everything, but just the origin of humans) and say, "See? We don't need your god. We have science. Science tells us that everything came from nothing." Scripture tells us,
That which is known about God is evident within [people]; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. (Rom 1:19-20)
Nature declares the glory of God. Man's natural hostility to God (Rom 8:7) covers that up ... with nonsense. "Everything came from nothing. All this complexity and interconnectedness happened by chance. Just because it looks like design doesn't mean it is." Reason shouts back, "How much do you need to see to realize that design is unavoidable and that the Designer exceeds human ability or understanding?" But, notice, logic itself and even nature itself are not at the core of this argument. The text says, "God made it evident to them." So the problem is not a lack of evidence or even a failure to grasp the truth. The failure is in our natural tendency to suppress the truth ... about God (Rom 1:18). So, go ahead. Enjoy the magnificence of God's creation. Remember that God is and that He created it all and it is very good. Keep telling them about Christ, but don't count on better logic or philosophical arguments to win. That will be God's doing, too.


  1. On the "radio" program I listen to, there is a version of Kyrie that sets my heart in praise to God in the beauty of the voice.

  2. One of my current avocations is taking road-trips around the U.S.A. to experience our beautiful country (I am getting to parts of Canada as well). Not only does the scenery alone elicit many “oohs and aahs,” but exploration of the biodiversity in every habitat is a constant delight; I very clearly see God’s attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, creativity, and goodness on display in His handiwork. I agree that the evolutionist must deny the clear evidence of creative design all around us, while the creationist has his/her eyes open wide in amazement to take it all in. I summarize the contrast between the views of the evolutionist and creationist this way:

    The faith of the evolutionist is based on an impossibility--“everything from nothing.” For people who supposedly insist on reason and provable evidence, this faith is a complete inconsistency.

    The faith of the creationist is based on a marvel--“everything from God.” For people who believe in an eternal, omnipotent Supreme Being who works out His perfect will, this faith presents no incongruity.

    Who’s really the foolish, irrational one of the two?

  3. The diversity of YHWH's creation just in the continental US is absolutely amazing. I cannot fathom how anyone can see creation and not be convinced that it wasn't just random.


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