Thursday, July 04, 2024


A passerby noticed smoke coming out of a window of the house he was walking by. He ran up to the door and went in to see if anyone was inside. The only person he saw was a young man with a match, lighting furniture on fire. Well, this fellow was a caring man, so he went over and gave him a book of matches so he could light more efficiently. You know, pyromania-affirming care. You don't, after all, want to suppress people in pursuing their personal pleasures, right?

We are in an upside down world. "What I want" is king and "what is right" is determined by it. If you seek to help someone toward "what is right" you're a hater. If you are concerned about their well-being, you're a hater. If you point out to an obese woman that her health would improve if she lost weight, she'd be angry at your "fat shaming." If you share the gospel with a homosexual, you're judgmental. Warning a person deep in sin that sin brings death and offering a better option is considered unkind and intolerant.

It is not hate to seek the best for people you care about. It is not love to encourage, like our fictional passerby, sin in others simply because they find fulfillment in it. In my fictional account above, no one would be confused about this, but our world demonstrates their hostility toward God by turning that all on its head in the arena of sin. Don't be that person.

1 comment:

  1. They have to label opposition as hate so that they don't have to consider the moral ramifications of their actions.


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