Saturday, June 08, 2024

News Weekly - 6/8/2024

Trump Made Me Do It
With 5 months before the election Biden has signed the order to close the southern border. "Trump gave me no choice." Wait ... what? That's what he said. Then, "We must face the simple truth, to protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must secure the border and secure it now." Umm, yes ... I think that's what a lot of America has been saying ... for a long time. Too bad he was "forced" by his political opponent to act. (And to top off the madness, Trump promised to reverse Biden's closing of the border. Is he going for a policy position of "Whatever Biden wants I don't"?)

A Maricopa County judge has ruled that Arizona Governor Hobbs (D) acted illegally by avoiding state law in appointing allies in charge of 13 state agencies while, at the same time, she is being investigated for taking $400,000 from an organization headed by a CEO who was on her inaugural committee that ended up with the organization getting more money from the state. (On a sidenote, Hobbs was the Secretary of State in charge of the 2020 election contested by Trump and, last year, called for Trump to be indicted in Arizona for the crime of believing there were election irregularities.) Of course, none of these accusations can be true because she's a Democrat and they don't do this kind of thing.

In Colorado the Republican party called for LGBTQ Pride flags to be burned. I personally think it's mindless -- what difference will it make if you burn a few "pride" flags? -- but I wonder if the left will be outraged at the burning of "pride" flags when they're unconcerned at the burning of American flags?

Those Crazy Christians
The Southern Baptist Convention voted to expel two churches (One was the Rick Warren's megachurch, Saddleback) from the SBC for having female pastors. A ratio something like 9 for expulsion to 1 against. Those nutty Southern Baptists, leaning so far into Scripture like that (1 Tim 2:11-14). They're even voting on making it a policy. What's wrong with them? Everyone knows the Bible was all wrong on that point. Of course, the media won't get it and boldly declared they're aiming to "ban women from most leadership roles." Not really. Just the ones Scripture talks about -- leading and teaching men. (They specified just pastors.) But, of course, truth is rarely an issue here.

I learned a new term the other day: lawfare. "What's that?" you might ask. It's built on an original "warfare" in which people use the law -- the justice system -- to wage war. You know, like we're seeing today. Trump was convicted of juggling the books, but there are so many questions. I'm not even a Trump fan, but even I can see real problems here. The selection of the judge was ostensibly random, but that's certainly in question. The prosecutor merged a felony charge by connecting a New York misdemeanor to a federal campaign finance law which, as it turned out, was not the charge. The judge prevented the defense from bringing in an expert witness who was going to testify about federal campaign finance law. The specific crime was not specified throughout the course of the trial. And at the end, the judge instructed the jury that they didn't all have to agree on what the crime actually was. Now they're talking about sending him to jail without protection, which is surely tantamount to an assassination attempt. For some reason the anti-Trump crowd sees all that and says, "Hmmm, seems pretty just to me." Go figure.

California ... Again
California is moving ahead with CA SB53, a bill aimed at taxation and movie picture credit ... oh, wait ... they redlined that ... oh, okay, it's firearms storage. Yeah, I see the connection. Not at all. They don't care. Bait and switch. So if you aren't holding your weapon, it must be stored in a California/DOJ-approved container. First offense will get you fined and lose the right to own a firearm for a year. After that it can be jail time. Right up there with the coming bill that would require new cars to beep at you if you're speeding. In other words, California continues to invade your life in every detail.

Sharp as a Laser Bee
Ouch! In the wake of Trump's felony conviction, the Bee pointed out that American voters can look forward to choosing between a convicted felon and an unconvicted felon in the next election. Nice. On that "Trump made me do it" story on Biden closing the border, the Bee claimed Biden announced plans to pretend to care about the border until November 6. (Do you suppose Trump made him do that, too?) And, apropos to nothing, there was the story about the man who resolved to be productive but ended up deeply into a Wikipedia story about the great molasses flood of 1919. Oh, wait ... there was a great molasses flood of 1919. Hang on a minute, I'm going to ...

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Hopefully what Trump means by reversing Biden's "closing of the border" (can you call it closed if you're still letting thousands a day in?) is that he plans to reverse it and close the border properly. We know the numbers were way down under Trump.

    What does a state governor care what a county judge says? She's probably just going to say he has reached beyond his authority or some such nonsense. Does anyone actually think a Democrat politician will actually be charged for any crimes?

    I know they'll get all upset about burning of the pride flag. They're already in a tizzy about some people leaving tire marks on one that was painted on a road in Florida. Pride is much more important to them than America.

    The SBC has made a major turn around in the last few years. Good for them.

    Really, lawfare isn't all that new. People are so afraid to do much of anything for anyone for fear of getting sued. The new part of it is using it at the political level.

    How can liberals talk about how all they want is to be free and live their lives, but also want a nanny state that is even actively watching how fast they go?

    Clearly, anything Biden does now that he refused to do before is solely for the purpose of gaining votes. The man doesn't have a single principled bone in his body.

  2. On that new law they want to pass to tell you when you're speeding, I can't imagine how they'd even do it. How would the car know what the speed limit was? What about those, "You're now entering a construction zone. Speed limits reduced."? What about the places that drivers aren't really sure because it's not posted? They said they'd notify you if you're 10 mph over the limit, but my Phoenix PD contact said that works for some places but not in others (like below 30 mph limits or in school zones). What else will have to be installed (and paid for) for these mandatory systems to know exactly what the speed limit is at any given time? Seems like a big effort that will cost the automakers a pile which, of course, will be passed on to customers.


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