Saturday, June 29, 2024

News Weakly - 6/29/2024

New Highs of Nonsense
Californian Democrats have opted to delay increasing health care worker minimum wage increase in order to help balance the budget. Mind you, they had no problem increasing the minimum wage of fast food workers high enough to actually put some of them out of business, but health care workers appear not to be so valuable to the Democrats. I couldn't figure out the logic of increasing the minimum wage in the first place, but why it doesn't apply to important folks like health care workers eludes me.

Mixed Messages
Last weekend there were some 14 mass shootings with some 12 people killed. The headlines bemoan the "mass shootings across the U.S." And that's bad. It is odd, though, that on the same day, that article came out, the FBI reported that active shooting incidents declined by 4% in 2023. Mixed messages. You see, the nature of the news is to tell the sensational. Unfortunately, the recipients of this information take it as "normal", and we come away traumatized by the "mass shootings across the country" that are part of, as it turns out, a decline. It seems really close to terrorism to me.

On the Plus Side
It doesn't always have to be bad, does it? I came across this story about a woman who saw a vase in the National Museum that looked a lot like a $4 vase she got at a thrift store. She took it to the Mexican Embassy in Washington and discovered it was an actual Mayan piece of pottery. So ... she returned it to the Mexican authorities. Very nice. Or how about the story of Ed Dwight. Ed was selected for the Air Force training program for NASA astronauts in 1961. He hoped to be the first black astronaut in space. He was ultimately not selected, but he is now lined up with Blue Origin to go to space ... at 90. Nice to see that sometimes dreams do come true.

A Standard Standard?
I didn't quite understand this story. Apparently a woman on an airplane posted a video of a man cheating on his wife. Not clear at all how she knew or why she thought she should post it or why the media picked it up, but haven't we already established that morality is relative and whatever a person lusts for is good and should be celebrated and not judged? So confused.

Heat Wave Casualty
The heat wave this last week had a sad casualty. A wax statue of President Abraham Lincoln melted in Washington D.C. Just goes to show, they don't make 'em like they used to, eh? Bet they'll blame this on white supremacy, too?

The Debate
It happened. Meh. I don't think I've ever learned anything from a presidential debate that I didn't already know.

See Follows Bee
Los Angeles opened a luxury high-rise homeless shelter with $600,000 units (actual story), prompting a father to warn his son that if he didn't study hard, he could end up homeless with a free luxury room ... and vodka shots. The reason I decided to skip the presidential debate was that the White House warned in advance that any live video of Biden looking confused or senile was a deepfake, so why bother? Finally, a pastor who makes $17,000 a year was shocked to learn he was only in it for the money. Everyone knows that.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Part of the mass shooting story is that the MSM will report the aggregate number of mass shootings, but they won't spend a lot of time on the individual instances when they don't fit the narrative.

  2. New Highs of Nonsense

    Is that even a profession that works at minimum wage? Maybe some administrative staff, but are nurses and doctors working minimum wage? And they don't expect this to make health care costs to increase even more?

    Mixed Messages

    Sometimes I think we need to go back to simpler times, when the news was something you heard once a week or so.

    On The Plus Side

    Now that's news, someone didn't try to make a huge profit.

    A Standard Standard?

    People try to deny it with their words, but too often affirm that there is an absolute moral authority by their deeds.

    Hear Wave Casualty

    Why on earth would you think to put a wax statue outside in summer?

    The Debate

    When you have 2 incumbent presidents, what could be learned from a "debate". Political debates aren't even real debates, nobody is up there trying to present one side or another and convince people they're correct. It's all just showmanship posturing. Though I do think it did teach the Dems that they are propping up a mentally and physically declining man that needs to be in a home (which I think it was the Bee that put out an "ad" for a retirement home that featured the White House and Biden).

    See Follows Bee

    At the debate, Biden certainly looked like a faltering animatronic dummy, so the old version of deep fakes. Where is the money for that shelter supposed to come from? Give it a month and they'll have to condemn the building for all the destruction they'll have done to it.

  3. I skipped watching the Biden-Trump debate as well, so I am glad to have your synopsis of it: “Meh.” I agree that those staged events are rarely impactful or memorable. I will say that this is the first time the set of presidential candidates made me feel so youthful and so smart :).

  4. me too Lorna! Me too lol


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