Monday, May 13, 2024

Truth Decay

According to multiple scientific studies, a variety of "xenobiotics" -- chemical substances found in an organism that are not natural to the organism -- likely cause or, at least, affect autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Seventy-four percent of these studies concluded that mercury in particular was a risk factor for ASD. Mercury (specifically ethylmercury) is used in a variety of vaccines. Of course, Big Pharma has studied this and found them to be perfectly safe. Mind you, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 puts pharmaceutical companies outside the reach of the law even if their drugs are found to have serious, even fatal side effects. So that ought to make you trust our Big Pharma Big Brother. Truth is their only concern (wink, wink).

I am pro-life -- I favor saving human life over terminating it at any stage -- but in the public parlance that makes me "anti-abortion." That's simply not true, but no one cares about the accuracy of such a term. I think that homosexual behavior is a sin and that people who believe they are the opposite sex they were born into are mentally troubled, so that makes me a "hater," "anti-gay," "anti-trans," "homophobic," "transphobic" ... let's see ... have I missed any of the dismissive and false epithets? None of those terms are true, but it doesn't matter because no one cares about the accuracy of such terms. Robert Kennedy Jr. is making the news running for president because he waged a campaign to get mercury out of vaccines (which science says can be a real problem) and has been labeled "anti-vax" and "a conspiracy theorist." The labels (and associated libel) will stick because no one cares about the accuracy of such terms.

We've decided that it is not possible to discuss ideas that are different than our own without becoming hostile, pejorative, and insulting. We've decided that the news media (whose job was once to inform but has switched to influencing) tells the truth if we hear it often enough and (much worse) social media is never wrong. Oh, and the squishy god of Science ... let's not forget them. Having actually worked in the field and seen the willingness to falsify data and reporting, I have to qualify that god as a puny god. We're not headed in the right direction. Which is why I am so grateful to have a book of truth (John 17:17) breathed out by God (2 Tim 3:16) on which to stand. Don't expect a world, hostile to God (Rom 8:7), to agree with you about that truth. Fortunately their agreement is not required to make it true.


  1. We can try to reject reality all we want, but I'm the end the truth of reality wins.

  2. While it's probably intended that way, I wouldn't consider anti-abortion to be a pejorative at all.

    Thanks for your commitment to Truth.

  3. It's amazing how quick to condemn were those toward people with legit concerns about drugs they were forced to inject into their still developing children. They were blown off as lunatics when they were supported by medical professionals who witnessed many cases which should have given even the staunchest vaccine supporter pause. The timing of the injections and the subsequent change of the happy, normal child to an autistic one is too common to be coincidental, and I've not heard of a compelling response to debunk it. Is it true? I don't know. That's what serious study is supposed to provide for us, and it must be undertaken by people other than pharmaceutical reps.

    As an aside, I've heard there is a massive slush fund which has paid out billions to parents whose child lapsed into autism after being vaccinated. If their products were safe and they have immunity from liability, why would they bother paying out a dime?

    As to the name calling, it's part and parcel of the leftist MO to first demonize opponents in a way which deflects attention from accusations against them to the "lunacy" of their opponents they want the public to take for granted. Unfortunately, it does not compel enough people to question whether the accusations are true, and that's likely because those making them are huge compared to the alleged lunatics. Someone complains about a doctor, and the person with the doctorate will have the advantage over the lay person.

  4. The older I get and the more I observe the unreliability (and deceitfulness) of the worldly entities you mention, the more distrustful of them I have become. Since the human heart is deceitful (Jer. 17:9), it makes perfect sense that truth must come from outside of ourselves--from a holy Supreme Being who is above all of us. And since man insists on being that supreme being (Isa. 14:13-15), we foolishly look to all the wrong places (and people) to find truth. How gracious of God to provide His truth so freely to those of us who seek it; only a stubborn heart causes one to miss out on that guiding influence and to turn to the world instead.


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