Monday, May 20, 2024

Coming Soon To A State Near You

Meet Jessica Tapia. Jessica was a teacher in California -- a Christian teacher in the public schools. At some point some students found her on Instagram, discovered her religious beliefs, and reported her to the school district. The news reports say she was fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns or keep their gender preferences secret from parents. The fact is none of that ever occurred. They fired her because they could not accomodate her religious beliefs -- beliefs she never expressed in class. All the accusations were based on hypotheticals -- "What would you do if ...?" They're paying her $360,000 for her troubles, but when a person can be fired for being a Christian with ... you know ... Christian values, you can see where this is headed, right?

Back in 2016, Time put out a story of how regular Christians are no longer welcome in American culture. The story included a list of people -- a teacher, a coach, a fire chief, a U.S. Marine -- who were fired not for being outrageous, but for having beliefs that run contrary to our modern society. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you" (John 15:18). The Bible has lots of promises for believers, including the promise that Christians won't be well regarded. But, if you've read much of my stuff here, you'll know that I'm not calling for a movement. I'm not recommending a political party or urging a rising up or even trying to scare you. Jesus didn't move against the government -- Roman or Jewish -- that sought to kill Him. Paul didn't work up an uprising to overthrow those who wanted to kill Christians. When Jesus warned His disciples that the world would hate them, He didn't recommend that "Christians, unite!" He told His disciples, "Bear witness because you have been with Me from the beginning" (John 15:27).

It's coming. There's no question. Some really bad; some just unpleasant. But it's coming. We, however, are told to not put our trust in princes (Psa 146:3). Instead, "It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to trust in princes" (Psa 118:8-9). I'm not calling for a political action committee. I'm asking you what you're going to do? When the world says, "Thou shalt not believe," what will you do? When the culture says, "Thou shalt not obey the Lord your God," what will you do? What can man do to you that outweighs trust in your Savior? Are you prepared for that eventuality? I'm not calling for action in our world; I'm calling for action in your heart.


  1. I'm curious to see how all this Harrison Butker stuff falls out. Yet another modern example of simply not being able to believe in Christian teaching. Sometimes I pray for the day to come so that I can know the answer. Well I confess or will I fall?

  2. I am mindful that devoted followers of God and of Christ have always faced contempt, and many have even lost their earthly lives through martyrdom. I for one am not eager to be tested that way, although I pray that I will remain strong and obedient. Regardless of whether God calls me to take such a stand or not, I will continue to pray that I can “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Tim. 2:1-2) and “live peaceably with all men” (Rom. 12:18). (I will also pray for those Christian brothers and sisters who host blogs that I read who no doubt are subject to more intensive hostility and harassment than I encounter in my daily life.) Although persecution has occurred and will increase, it seems that currently the vast majority of us followers can continue to give a quiet but effective witness and further the kingdom--for which we can heartily thank God. The bottom line, as you often remind us: God is in control and He will prevail, and one day soon Satan will be stripped of all his current power and influence.

  3. David,

    I think that the Butker stuff will blow over eventually, this sort of thing almost always does. We finally saw the support for him show up, his jersey sales went through the roof, and he's had some public support from teammates. If this was a just world, the fact that he was attacked for thing he didn't say would get more play and his comments would start a discussion that's actually needed. As far as the left, trying to cancel anyone who dares to publicly disagree with them is par for the course and they'll find a new target soon. As long as he has a good season next year, even Chiefs fans will be just fine with him.

  4. Says the Chiefs fan. :)


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