Saturday, April 06, 2024

News Weakly - 4/6/24

Wrong Person, Wrong Place
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is concerned that the 1st Amendment is "hamstringing the government." It makes me concerned about her Constitutional comprehension. The primary aim of the Bill of Rights was to "hamstring the government," so to speak, whereby "Congress shall pass no law ..." preventing the people from having their rights. But, I suppose, if she can't define "woman," why would I expect her to understand that our government was intended to be limited by our rights?

Failed Experiment
Oregon tried this experiment of decriminalizing possession of drugs back in 2020. Oregon's governor just signed a bill into law that reverses that experiment. For various reasons, it didn't work. Like we're surprised?

With Friends Like That ...
Biden actually held out longer than I thought he would ... but no more. He supported Israel's right to self-defense for longer than others, but now is demanding an immediate unilateral ceasefire with a threat. "Stop shooting or you'll get no more support from the U.S." In His covenant with Abram, God said, "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen 12:3). To which Biden (and the world) says, "Meh."

You've Got to See to Beelieve.
Of course, the Bee had to comment on Biden's demand for Israel to back off. Their headline reads, "Biden Demands Israel Fight Rest Of War Using Nerf Guns." I suppose the world would applaud. Elsewhere, Democrats are now warning parents to transition their kids early before they grow out of it. A real problem. And in the wake of the earthquake in Taiwan, China has kindly offered to send 100,000 soldiers to help clean up. And why wouldn't they?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Yes, Justice Jackson, that is exactly what the Constitution is for. It protects the rights of the people, not the rights of the government.

    Another example of reality slapping back. Anyone with a brain could tell you that if you don't punish crime, more crime will happen. The problem is, I doubt Oregon learned why it was a bad idea and blame it on something else and try again in a different way. Heaven forbid someone admit they were actually wrong about an ideology.

    I wonder why nobody is calling for Hamas to cease fire and return the hostages unilaterally. What do people expect will happen when you give in to terrorist demands?

  2. Ketanji-Brown, Israel...

    There was never any doubt about the harm which would ensue by allowing the ascension of Joe Biden. It was only a question of just how much harm there would be.

  3. The lack of comprehension of Jackson is astounding. Strangely enough, this isn't the first time the US has tried to strong arm Israel in to doing something against Israeli interests, focusing on their interests over all else seems to be working OK for them.


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