Saturday, March 30, 2024

News Weakly - 3/30/24

Didn't Get the Memo
While Rebel Wilson is claiming sexual shenanigans from Sacha Baron Cohen on the set of The Brothers Grimsby, Cohen is denying the charges. Like the guy who is suing a Facebook group because they made negative comments about him. Now, didn't we determine the policy is "Believe all women"? Did Cohen or this L.A. man not get the memo? So, let's recap. All white people are racist. All men are pigs. All women are right. It's easy. Not actually true, but easy. Let's get with the program. Any actual concern for truth was jettisoned a long time ago.

Surprise, Surprise!
California is heading for a $20/hr minimum wage, but somehow the "workers' utopia" isn't emerging. Instead, it appears to be having the opposite effect. Businesses are laying off workers in order to try to afford the new state requirements. Yes, Mrs. Jones, your little Bobby will make $20/hr ... if he can get a job. But keep in mind, it won't be a living wage for long. Every wage hike produces a price hike and why government and citizens can't figure that out is something I can't figure out.

Dropping the Mask
NBC News planned to hire former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, only to discover that their current on-air talent could not tolerate anyone who vaguely resembles a Republican. They believe that their bias is the only viable option and you, the viewers, will have no other option but theirs. "This diverse, open-minded, inclusive organization has no place for you!" We've known about media bias for a long time, but this kind of blatant hatred for any other view makes me not want to even sample NBC News.

Poll Position
The American media is glad to announce that more than half of Americans (55%) disapprove of Israel defending herself against ongoing attacks. Fine. But I wonder how many of that 55% would opt to change America's response if we were attacked and 55% of the rest of the civilized world disapproved of our defending ourselves? How many think that America should do what the rest of the world tells us to? "Oh, no, Israel. We do not approve. We will require you to drop your weapons, and let the nation whose charter includes your extinction to be refueled and rearmed. Do it now!" I'm sure Israel will see the light. Our media has.

Substance Without Mass
I'm just curious. A story out of Illinois was about 4 dead and 7 wounded in Rockford. The mayor called it a "random and senseless act of violence," but no one seems to want to call it a "mass stabbing." If the weapon involved had been a gun, it would have absolutely and loudly been a "mass shooting," but the media is reluctant to use the term for other weapons. Hmmm, I wonder why that is. Do you suppose it's a message?

Nothing to See Here
Superimpose the "Oil prices fall" headlines with "Gasoline Prices are Rising" on the very next day and you might begin to think that American business doesn't much care about their customers as much as their money. Conspiracy much? Sometimes it's hard not to.

Your Best Source for Fake News
Okay, that's just too strange. Back on March 13 the Babylon Bee floated a story about the new Donald Trump version of the Bible, so it's really odd that this week that there's an actual story that Trump is selling "God Bless the USA" Bibles to raise money for his mounting legal bills. Did the Bee cause it? Too close to call. In the "not the Bee" category -- that is, an actual story -- a Texas man has legally changed his name to "Literally Anybody Else" in order to run for president. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. Then there is the sad news that the Republicans have kicked out Ron DeSantis from the party for accomplishing too much. Kind of like a union job, right?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

The president snuck this in after I had already finished this week's News Weakly, so it wasn't in here, but I have to add it. It is too monumental and time-sensitive to delay. Yesterday, March 29, in an incredibly tone-deaf moment, the White House declared Easter as "Transgender Day of Visibility." "You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back," he declared. Any day would have been troublesome, but Biden opted for Resurrection Sunday to highlight transgenderism, literally and figuratively in opposition to Christ's Resurrection. Now, the "International Transgender Day of Visibility" has been March 31 since 2009, so it's not like he just put this out there, but calling particular attention to it without regard for the actual day in question seems to highlight quite well the fact that the leadership of this nation is in direct opposition to Christ.


  1. Maybe it's because I have no social media presence, but why should that guy even care what a few women have to say about him? The ratio of women in that group to women in LA is inconsequential. But, "Oh no, strangers said mean things about me online, I better sue them." What's next, we're all getting sued by Dan for saying he's rude and aggressive?

    I recently heard a theory that the minimum wage actually hardens the stagnation of financial mobility rather than encourages it. But I've always wondered, where do these people think companies are going to get the money to pay that much? Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to be "living wage" jobs. They are meant for young people to get working experience and for supplemental income. How many minimum wage jobs are even full time? All raising the minimum wage drastically does is make things cost more, and make what those earning more

  2. What those earning more than minimum wage to earn be worth less per hour.

    Those NBC hosts were spitting mad about her hiring. Accusing her of being so horrible for doing things they've done themselves for their side.

    It is sad because Israel is so small and dependant on us, that it actually will hurt how they conduct their war. Nevermind that Hamas isn't a legitimate state government and started attacking Innocent civilians. Nevermind that calling for Israel to ceasefire won't stop Hamas from continuing to fire. Nevermind that Israel has been trying for a "two state solution" for years, which is why they weren't in Gaza and the West Bank. My guess for the percentage might be wrong if the only question was "Do you agree with how Israel is conducting this war?" There are certainly those that want Israel to disappear. But there also those that think Israel should glass Gaza. And those that think Israel should take a more aggressive approach than they have been taking. All of those would answer in the negative to that question, but still not actually mean Israel should lay down their arms.

    What? Are you suggesting that the media has a biased agenda they're trying to push? It's not like it's not been said before, words matter. Gender affirming care, mass murder, hate crime, etc. All part of a narrative without actually examining the facts behind it.

    You might think conspiracy if you thought price changes are rapid things, it tied to only one indicator. If oil prices fall yesterday, that had no effect on today's prices. Maybe in a week. But oil prices aren't the only driving factor. Until someone deals with Yemen and the Red Sea, all prices that are effected by shipping are going to rise. Guess what we're not allowed to not import, oil. Sure, greedy is a factor, but I wouldn't call it a conspiratorial factor. All the gas companies aren't coming together and working out how best to gouge out more profits.

    I think Trump is hawking those Bibles, but he didn't make them and I don't believe he's profiting from them or using those proceeds for his legal fees. I think it is just a publicity stunt to help him with the less devout Christians. It's just a Bible with the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It's a sad statement about what it says about the level of importance between those documents, but I doubt they will be selling enough to even put a dent in his legal fees, even if he was profiting from them. I see his promotion of those abominations as on the same level as Kristi Noem advertising for a Texas dental group. The DeSantis news is funny because it could easily become true with how rabid some of Trump's supporters can be.

  3. Regarding “Surprise, Surprise!”: Not only will employers need to reduce their staff to afford employees’ salaries, as you say, but the remaining employees will no doubt be overworked, as they cover for the missing staff members; of course that will further worsen customer service.

    The Bee’s "Top 10 Verses from the New Donald Trump Bible Translation" was hilarious. (I missed that one, so I’m glad you included it.)

    The report about the man now known as “Literally Anyone Else” really sounded like The Bee! The fact that it’s not satire shows how bad things have gotten. (I for one would vote for that guy!)

  4. The complete lack of any sort of intelligence when it comes to the minimum wage is staggering. The fact that it'll cost those it's supposed to help through fewer hours, and fewer jobs is irrelevant. The fact that it hurts the employees who have been employed longer because they don't get raises, are also ignored. The notion that it should be the norm to live on one 40/hr/week paycheck as an unskilled or new employee demonstrates the idiocy on the left.

  5. Didn't Get the Memo

    "All white people are racist. All men are pigs. All women are right."

    I think we're to recite this with our morning prayers each day.

    Surprise, Surprise!

    Well, when a lefty politician needs votes, pandering is the best way to get them. There are plenty of stupid people in this country who will be lured by such things.

    Dropping the Mask

    You've got this all wrong, Stan. This is just a manifestation of the moral clarity Obama said is what he likes most about lefties. (Now there's someone saying something truly stupid!)

    Substance Without Mass

    They're too busy trying to take away our guns. They'll go after our knives later, as they're doing in the UK.

    Some years ago, when I still lived in Hellinois, the company for which I was a driver was based outside of Rockford. Though I was based in Bensenville, near O'Hare Int'l Airport, now and then, I'd have to drive through that city and what a pit it was. So many boarded up storefronts! This was well before COVID. Rockford hasn't been a place worthy of bragging for some time. They've always had enough violent crime tied to people from there, and when driving through main streets of that town, it's not surprising at all. Sad.

    Nothing to See Here

    Both of these stories to which you've linked seem to be missing some salient points. As gas prices have gone up, I turn my engine off if I think I have to sit and idle for more than 30 seconds or so. If I'm waiting for a train to pass, suffering the "stop" part of stop and go traffic, sitting in the drive through at a fast food place...whatever. Gas is to pricey to waste. I don't take long drives without for pleasure anywhere near as often as I once did. I wonder how many are like me and how this affects demand, thus driving down stock prices.

    The other story pretty much admits all the other things aside from gas and housing are going up, too. But just considering those two, to spend so much to get to a job to pay for a house which costs more than it used to to do so is enough. This is what comes from voting Democrat. Prices always seem to rise to some extent. What's happened since Jan '21 is something else.

    Your Best Source for Fake News

    Is there any actual statement by Trump that he's joined with Greenwood to "hawk" these Bibles in order to raise money to pay his legal fees, or is that just how the left is spinning it and others like to assume it has to be the reason? Asking for a friend.

    Our friend Dan ripped on Trump for the cost, so I looked up prices on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It's not as high as some Bibles available on either site, with some listed at around $100. What Trump/Greenwood is selling is not just a Bible, but the Bible and our founding documents as a package. It's a legit way to make money.

    I just saw a post on FB from a lefty about how a "good" billionaire would just give Bibles away. Of course this lefty isn't a millionaire, much less a billionaire, so...

    I like a politician who encourages the study of Scripture and our founding documents. Not enough people do either.


    How can less than 1% of the population be "America"?

    I, for one, would like transsexuals to be much less visible than they are now. But that's just me.

  6. I was thinking more about your statement, "All white people are racist. All men are pigs. All women are right." If I am a white (i.e. racist) woman (i.e. right), am I right to be racist?

    I really thought that the Trump’s Bible verse translations were “inspired” comedy. The Bee needs to do one for Biden. They could have him butcher some verses with his incoherent ramblings and rewrite some clear, basic ones, like “Thou shall not kill…unless you find yourself pregnant through your own irresponsible behavior.” “Male & female God made them….but He was being so narrow-minded. We’ve thought of more options now, and our pope says it’s OK to cross over for sexual satisfaction now. As on many things, we set Jesus straight (no pun intended) yet again.” Biden’s rewritten Bible verses would not be as funny as Trump’s, though.

    I agree with Marshal Art that more Americans should read the nation’s founding documents, if they can consider the proper context (and follow the language). I don’t like seeing them bound into bibles, though, as if they are on the same footing with the inspired Word of God.

    I too feel that “transgenders” are WAY too visible already. Who really desires to see more of them?? There was a day when closets served a very good purpose in that regard.

  7. Lorna,

    I get the objection to packaging anything other than that which promotes Scripture with the Bible. I don't necessarily disagree in general, but as our founding was indeed influenced by Christian principles, and given how so many of the founding fathers promoted Christianity to one degree or another, there is a compatibility between Scripture and the documents which so well reflect Christian principles. I don't find their pairing inappropriate. I don't think Trump/Greenwood is sending any nefarious message by doing so. I think they're promoting a good message.

  8. The “God Bless the USA Bible” might present a “good message,” but I think that it also carries the risk of its users viewing the founding documents virtually as “addendums” to the Bible and even blurring the two parts (such as has been done with the Apocrypha, when they are included in a Bible)--almost like those documents were straight from God. Personally, I am not drawn to this particular Bible packaging one bit, despite being both an avid American history buff and a lover of God’s Word--or more properly, I think, because I am both those things.


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