Saturday, March 23, 2024

News Weakly - 3/23/24

Making Their Position Clear
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivered a scathing speech on Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu. He called for new elections in Israel because Israel is defending herself against ongoing attacks. Biden applauded him. The left, it seems, is only in favor of democracy when it suits their aims, since Netanyahu is the duly elected prime minister there and the Dems want him out. It feels like the left believes the only good Israeli is a dead Israeli. I wonder how they would respond if an "ally" called for immediate elections to remove the Democratic leadership.

Typical Trump
Trump said he thinks Liz Cheney should go to jail for investigating his actions during the January 6 riot. Now, now, we're all pretty sure that if Trump wins in November there will be no retaliation, no abuse of the justice system to get back at his detractors. The man's just not like that, right?

A Culture of Death
Americans are letting their values be known. U.S. abortions reached the highest level in over a decade in 2023. We hear you. "We will not protect the most vulnerable. We will not value human life. Our highest priority is sex with whomever, whenever, without consequences, and we will not tolerate anything less." Got it. (All while we wonder, "Why so many killings?")

Pick Pocket
The president unilaterally canceled $6 billion in student loans for public service workers. He did it without the Congress. He did it without using his own money. He picked the pockets of American taxpayers and gave your money away without due process. In most places, that's a crime.

Better Off?
Biden is using the "Are you better off today" question in his campaign, it seems. He took credit for "solving" the COVID crisis (the vaccine was being distributed in January of 2020, before he took office) and suggested we were all better off economically. Mind you, a dollar in 2020 bought the equivalent of $1.20 today. Prices have gone up 20% since Biden took office. And, sure, Trump ominously warned of a "bloodbath" should he not be elected in November, and that is potentially serious, but the fact that we're paying significantly higher prices to live today than we were back then isn't a potential; it's a fact. No, Mr. President, we're not better off today, all things considered, thank you very much. (Obviously those states suing the administration for banning LNG exports don't think we're better off today.)

Your Best Source for Fake News
The Bee told the story of Kamala Harris's visit to a Planned Parenthood clinic as "Demon goes on holy pilgrimage to Satanic temple." Not too far off the truth. Then there was the unintended outcome of the "No one is illegal" statements in government when all murderers were released from death row. No, didn't happen, but if no one is illegal, I don't know why.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats are following the same cowardice as the Just Stop Oil folks. Protest the safe place, because if you protest the actual problematic place, you'll get killed.

    Trump just needs to shut up. He can do a basement run, let Biden destroy himself. Nobody is going to hear anything Trump has to say and change their minds about him, but Biden is constantly stomping in his own side and catering to his extreme Left. All Trump has to do is encourage his devotees to vote. Ignore Jan 6. Don't be vindictive. Of course, it says something about our country that people are applauding his vengeful rhetoric.

    What?! You make having an abortion even easier and anonymous and more of them happen? Who would have thunk it. But you even touch a bald eagle feather and you go to jail. Did anyone ever actually believe "safe, legal, and rare"?

    They only seen to want the Supreme Court rulings to matter when they are in favor of what they want. And what better way to buy votes than to steal money from some people and give it to others. We're all big fans of Robin Hood after all.

    Yeah, he solved COVID and it was that mean old Trump that locked us in our houses. If Biden had the authority, he would have let us out when he was president... As for the "bloodbath" comment, yet another example of Trump just needs to shut up. Yes, it was taken out of context and was about a financial bloodbath, and if he weren't running for president nobody would have cared. But everyone knows that what you say in public will never be given a fair shake and will be twisted to whatever narrative the media wants. All he needs to do is encourage his voters to vote and let Biden continue to destroy himself. He's not going to convince anyone new to vote for him. He won the popular vote last time, all he needs to do is let Biden make his people hesitant to vote.


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