Monday, March 11, 2024

Free Radicals

You've certainly heard of free radicals, even if you don't know what they are. In medical science, they are a byproduct of the metabolic processes of the body that form unstable molecules that can damage cells and tissues. So they tell us to eat differently so we will be safe. All well and good, but I'd like to suggest a different version of the "free radical." I call it "a Christian."

Christianity is a truly radical faith. It calls on humans who are, by nature, self-centered, to surrender self. It calls on sinners (by nature) to be born again. Even "born again" is a radical concept. Nicodemus heard it and asked (quite understandably), "How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?" (John 3:2). A radical concept. Christianity calls for repentance from stubborn people and faith in opposition to popular ideas. It calls for rejoicing in tribulation and for sacrificial giving, even to enemies, because we're supposed to trust God to supply our needs. It is the only actual religion of peace (Rom 5:1) and love (John 13:35; 1 John 4:7-8). It is not premised on the believer's works or abilities, but on the Son of God who gave His life for us. It is fundamentally built on Christ, who lived a perfect life (the only one ever), willingly died for sins He never committed, and rose again (1 Cor 15:3-4). And that's just a brief sampling. In every way, Christianity is radical and calls for its adherents to live radical lives.

While most other people are pursuing comfort and pleasure and getting along with everyone else, Christians pursue ... Christ. Christ who promised that we would be hated as He was hated and that that was a good thing (John 15:19). We are to be "not of the world." The only truly free people -- free in Christ -- these radicals are not detrimental, but beneficial to all those around. That is, if we're living the Christ-like life we're supposed to. Are you a free radical?


  1. I once heard a Jew say that the thing that will save America is Christianity.

  2. “In every way, Christianity is radical and calls for its adherents to live radical lives.” I know this is true from how regularly I must adjust my way of thinking from the default worldview to a Christian mindset and from how often my point of view about many things conflicts with those of others. I also see how repeatedly the New Testament writings contrast our lives before and after the New Birth--i.e. comparing the “old man” and the “new man,” walking in the light vs. walking in darkness, etc.; clearly, following Jesus Christ is a new and different way of living, which will prompt those around us to say, “There’s something different about that person.” May my behavior bring glory to God this way (Matt. 5:16).


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