Friday, February 02, 2024

Old Testament Wisdom

I'm retired now and into my "Social Security years." Unlike many, I don't mind that I'm getting older, but it is heart-warming to see a command from God with people like me in mind.
You must stand up in the presence of the aged, honor the presence of an elder, and fear your God. I am YHWH. (Lev 19:32)
That is so not the practice in today's culture ...

Mull that one over for awhile.


  1. Your post might inspire me to crack a few “old people” jokes, but I’m older than you--which also rules out honoring you as my “elder” :). Seriously, though, you might have retired from your secular job, but I hope you won’t quit blogging. No pay but an honor of its own kind, right?

  2. The thought process that lead is to thinking with our feelings and lead us to reject the wisdom and authority of those that have been there already.


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