Saturday, February 24, 2024

News Weakly - 2/24/24

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
A survey was conducted at the end of 2023. The "2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey" has demonstrated once again that modern Americans are nuts. They asked people (in the midst of today's media blitz) who was best and worst. Lincoln took best, and -- no surprise -- Trump took worst. How many could even tell you how good Monroe or Jackson or Truman were? How many had the information at hand to answer without media-fueled bias? Mind you, this so called "expert survey" placed Barack Obama (7) above Kennedy (10) and Joe Biden (14) above Ronald Reagan (16). We should all be clear that these are the opinions of people who don't know what they're talking about, so there's that.

War by the Numbers
Gaza death toll passes 24,000. Hang on, no, 25,000. Wait a minute, what I meant to say was 29,000. Sorry, it's hard to find accurate news. In a related note, Germany and Japan are suing the Allies from World War II for killing up to 8.8 million in Germany and up to 3.3 million in Japan when they didn't kill nearly as many Americans or Brits or Canadians or Australians. Remember, the rules are you can't kill significantly more than your opponent, no matter how treacherous they may be. (And, hey, those so-called "Holocaust" victims don't count, since we still have people saying it didn't happen.) Seriously, what do you suppose the purpose is in telling us this information?

Another Conspiracy Theory Proven
While a portion of Americans resisted taking a new mRNA-based vaccine for a Chinese virus sent over here, Dr. Fauci and the CDC assured us it was safe and effective. As it turns out, ain't necessarily so. A new study shows potential side effects including a increased risk of myocarditis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, spinal cord inflamation, blood clots in the brain, encephalomyelitis, and more. "Don't worry," they tell us, "they're rare." That's after prior studies that suggest that the vaccine was altering DNA ... which they told us couldn't happen, and the very well-known story of how the vaccine would prevent ... okay, not prevent, but decrease the effects ... well, maybe not, but certainly block transmission ... alright, so you could get it, you could still die from it, and you could still transmit it, but other than that, it was a very effective vaccine.

Coming Home to Roost
Mary and Jeremy Cox had their teen removed from their home for not using the right pronouns because their religion wouldn't allow it. An investigation found no abuse, but still took the juvenile. They are appealing to the Supreme Court. Like they said, if it can happen in Indiana, it can happen anywhere.

Upside-Down World
In our current upside-down world, "marriage" does not require "for life" or even "man and woman," which, I suppose, makes sense since "man" no longer requires man and "woman" no longer requires woman, so it stands to reason that a story would come out about how the teamsters would make a large donation to the Republican National Committee. Wait ... what?? Yep. $45,000. The teamsters, traditionally Dems to the core, donated to the GOP. Go figure. What next? Biden endorses Trump?

Apparently Bee is for Biden
With Biden paying off student loans with tax dollars, the Bee story of Gender Studies grad who wrote "Thank you" to the plumber who paid off her student loans makes sense. Then they had the story about Biden warning about Trump being the "greatest threat to America" while presiding over an invasion of America at the border. You know ... "Don't bother me with facts; I know I'm right." And merging racism with AI-generated women, the Bee had a piece on a black woman who finally felt included when Google's AI generated a black female Nazi soldier. Okay, that was over the top ... but I'm not sure how far from possibly true it might be in this day and age.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I’d say Washington was the best president, and Biden keeps proving he’s even worse that Obama and Carter!

    What crazy lawyers would even CONSIDER taking the suits from German & Japan? How ridiculous can you get!!!

    Now you know why my wife and I didn’t get COVID shots.

    This whole nonsense of taking kids from parents who don’t agree to the “trans” lied is downright unlawful and evil.

  2. It's not like that was an historical survey of presidential contribution, it was an opinion poll. Why was it even asked, since most presidents weren't around when the current population was alive to know anything about them, especially with a diminishing education system. Maybe if it were an ordering of the opinion polls given over time during their tenure, but even then, I'm not sure there'd be enough data, nor a purpose.

    I really don't understand these calls for a ceasefire. Maybe if it were two NATO countries fighting there might be some weight to pull, but you have one country defending itself against an organization that is bent on the total eradication of the Jews. Maybe if NATO actually physically stepped in and turned Israel and Gaza into a NATO police state. Hamas has no reason to listen to other countries call for a ceasefire and Israel has every reason to not listen. Are the deaths of civilians lamentable and tragic? Sure. But if you're going to call it a genocide, you need to answer for why Gaza even still exists by now.

    I always thought it odd that they claimed it won't change DNA, when it was designed to do just that. I'm reminded of the Twilight Zone episode where a man designed some nanites to correct everything wrong with a human body, and he ended up with all sorts of modifications like gills and such, until he finally died to all the "improvements" to his DNA.

    My guess is this is happening more frequently than we're being told, but either it's not getting reported, or like people allowing 50 year old men use teen girl locker rooms, people are too afraid to stand up and fight.

    I wonder if someone in there got converted to the Right and snuck that donation in. And with how far gone Biden is mentally, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he endorsed Trump.

    If some Leftist actually looked up the definition of fascist and then looked at her party, I wouldn't be surprised if she were to be happy to be "represented" in Nazi Germany, you know, the place that killed black people along with Jews, just like we already have gays supporting Hamas, an organization that would kill them in a heartbeat for being gay.

  3. Any survey of presidents that doesn't have James K Polk top 10, is automatically invalid as far as I'm concerned. He took office with defined goals, achieved those goals in one term, and walked away. Pretty impressive IMO.

  4. I took a look at the list and would suggest that FDR, P-BO, LBJ, Clinton, and Biden should be lower. Truman, and Reagan, should be higher.

  5. We also live in a world where the NHS has said that the chemically induced secretions from a man are just as healthy and nutritious for a baby as a woman's breast milk.

  6. On that survey, an article I read (complaining about the survey) said that it was not ordinary people that were surveyed. It was "experts" and "historians." That doesn't help. There is little doubt that Trump ends up at the bottom not because of facts, but because of bias ... like the "insurrection" he had ... which wasn't. (The article said, "This is why you can't always trust experts.")

  7. The Right has been suspect of "experts" for a while now. COVID exploded that suspicion.

  8. Craig, who is "P-BO" in your comment above? (I'm an American history buff, and I looked over those lists, but I can't figure out to which American president that refers.)

  9. P-BO = President Barack Obama

  10. Regarding the survey of American presidents: I agree with Glenn that Washington should be placed first in a presidential ranking by “experts” and “historians” (and often is), since he had no precedents (no pun intended) under which to serve and still managed to establish a workable governing system with a smooth transfer of power. Lincoln is people’s emotional favorite, but some of his actions were politically motivated--not something Washington would be guilty of, as he served very much reluctantly.

    Also, I found the section headed, “The Next President on Mt. Rushmore,” of special interest, since I just visited there last summer (finally!). The four presidents chosen for the sculpture were not necessarily the top four “best presidents” but represented our nation’s foundation (Washington), expansion (Jefferson), preservation (Lincoln), and conservation (T Roosevelt). Even if FDR, Obama (?!), or the others suggested in that section could be shown to follow that model (and I don’t think they do), adding to Mt. Rushmore’s roster is not feasible (thank goodness), for lack of usable rock to do so and out of respect for the artistic vision of the sculpture’s creator.


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