Saturday, February 10, 2024

News Weakly - 2/10/24

There were winners and losers, errors and oddities, at the Grammys, covered feverishly as if it was important.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The report is out that more than 3 out of 4 patients recovering from COVID are left with insomnia. It's stories like this that can make people lose sleep at night.

Side By Side
On their own, the two stories are not that interesting, but side by side, they become humorous. Kanye West compared himself to Elvis because he can't get work because of his anti-semitic rants. Lay that alongside NYC Mayor Adams who compared himself to Jesus because his leadership team excludes white people. What?? Waiter, I'd like two orders of "sanity check", please.

The Columbus (Nebraska) Police Department was conducting a welfare check on a 17-year-old subject reported for potential self-harm. The officer shot and killed the suspect. No more potential self-harm. Done. Now, we all know that's not the whole story ... but that's all we have, and that looks like a really bad "welfare check."

The pope is denouncing the "hypocrisy" of critics of his blessings for same-sex couples. Mind you, this same pope said of blessing same-sex unions that the church "cannot bless sin." So, no, I guess allowing blessings for same-sex unions is not hypocrisy on his part; I guess that's heresy.

Not Right
The Supreme Court of Hawaii has decided, consciously, to jettison the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. While they denied the right to carry a concealed gun in public without a permit, the ruling said, "We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public." So, they are now determining your rights. It's not really a surprise. I just wonder, what could go wrong when a state can decide to eliminate constitutional rights on a whim?

Ain't Misbeehavin'
I'm sorry, but with Groundhog Day barely in the rearview mirror, this just made me laugh. The report was out that Joe Biden saw his shadow this week and attempted to shake its hand. In other news, a study was published that called attention to the fact that "Don't Tread On Me" flags are apparently not working anymore. You know, like those helpful "No Gun Zone" signs at schools. And, not the Bee, I read that Claudine Gay, the former president of Harvard, landed on her feet. She's now the CEO of Xerox, citing her extensive experience at copying things. Congratulations!

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. It does seem that the entertainment awards shows are really plummeting in popularity. Seems like a good thing to me.

    Weird, because I know more than 4 people that caught COVID and seem to have no problems sleeping. So much for 3 in 4.

    I would guess it's more than the anti-Semitic rants, including maybe the head-to-toe covering he wears in public? He's proudly excluding white people? What happened to inclusivity and representation?

    And people wonder why the news media is laying off people. Not only was this article too long for the information it gave, really only a paragraph would suffice, it was also very poorly written. I've seen Dan diatribes better written.

    Maybe he doesn't know what that word means, just like most people today. Hypocrisy and inclusivity seem to be words people use a lot without knowing what they mean.

    So basically, you can only have a gun in your home in Hawaii? How long before they deny that right? Though I have to admit, guns don't really go well with beachwear.

    The Left really like to set themselves up for ridicule. I guess that's one good thing we get from them, a good source of laughter.

  2. Yawn

    I didn't even bother with your links. I'm yawning at the mere mention of the Grammys. I don't hear a lot of new music these days. As I move deeper into "old fart" age, I cling the music I enjoyed in younger days. Now and then a new tune will grab me, but I seek out Classic Rock on Sirius. Anyhow, even the Oscars and Emmy Awards hold no interest as I haven't been to the theater in a few years, and I now get all my television through streaming services. I don't even know what the newer TV shows are. I'm still struggling to give up pro sports.

    Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

    I'm still yawning.

    Side By Side

    Getting sleepier!


    Whose welfare was most at risk...the suspect's or those around him? If the latter, success!


    I haven't seen that level of tap dancing since Gregory Hines!

    Not Right

    I wonder if the state legislature...if they were all leftist weasels...could ignore this moron's ruling, given it is totally anathema to American principles of law. The US Constitution cannot be ignored legally. The Supreme Court's rulings must be respected until such time one can mount and effective argument they're willing to hear.

    This is especially disappointing for me, as I really love that state. Been there five times in my life...mostly Maui...and while it's unlikely the Mrs and I would ever spend the cash to go back there, I was totally up for moving there for the rest of my life. That's how much I dug it. I was especially fond of visiting Maui, and as is so common, leftists destroy everything. That fire would never have been nearly so destructive if intelligent people ( that is, not leftists) were running the place.

    This stuff enrages me. The left is the true and most serious danger to our republic...hands down.


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