Saturday, January 06, 2024

News Weakly - 1/6/24

You Keep Using That Word
South Africa has lost its language skills. They took to the top UN court to accuse Israel of genocide in Gaza. Now, if Israel wanted to eliminate the Palestinians ("genocide"), they have the capability. Instead they keep warning the populace to move while they clean out those particular forces who are seeking the extinction of Israel ("genocide"). They offer aid and allow supplies and do all they can not to kill all Palestinians. If South Africa (and the rest of the world with the same accusation) has a valid complaint, it should be, "Israel is incompetent of comitting genocide." They keep using that word; I do not think it means what they think it means.

No Bias Reporting
A Los Angeles County deputy fatally shot a woman who was brandishing a knife. That's what the video showed. Of course, that's not what the stories say. They highlight that she was a "Black woman" who was "shot in front of her 9-year-old daughter." I am not excusing the officer for his actions that evening, but why do we have to have racism and sexism inserted in reporting where it may or may not be and certainly not even that in a balanced way. (No one ever reports that a black officer shot a white woman or that a black female officer shot a white guy ... in front of his kids. That wouldn't fit the narrative.)

Let's Get Ready to Rumble
The body that governs Olympic-style boxing, USA Boxing, has made a new rule in its rulebook. Now men who identify as women can legally pummel women who are actual women in the boxing ring. Given the nature of the sport (for instance, baseball wouldn't be nearly as dangerous for women and men to compete), what could possibly go wrong, right? Especially considering that science (not "trans-hate") affirmed that the biological sex and not the gender identity determines the performance. I wonder if women harmed by this ruling (read "beaten to a pulp in the ring by a biological male") can sue the USA Boxing organization.

And Your Point Is?
Continuing on that "No Bias Reporting" item above, in Greensboro, NC, an off-duty, white police sergeant attempted to stop a robbery and was shot and killed. Three black teenagers have been arrested. But, of course, you won't find references to the races of victim or perpetrators in the stories you find because we don't want to think about black people killing white people. It doesn't fit the narrative. I don't care what their race is -- victim or perpetrator -- either. I'm simply pointing out that the media is making a point when they include racial information in one direction but not in the other.

"Mass" Hysteria
Four people were stabbed on a train in Tokyo. Now, a mass shooting is when 4 or more people are shot in a single incident, so this qualifies as a mass knifing, I'd guess. Elsewhere in Japan, more than 100 people (so far) were killed and more than 500 were injured in a 7.5 earthquake. Japan is seeking to outlaw both knives and earthquakes. We'll see how that works out.

You're Fired
The (poorly named) Department of Justice is suing the state of Texas for new laws that would allow Texas to arrest and deport illegal immigrants entering their state. It will "infringe upon and counteract" federal efforts. Now, let me get this straight. The state of Texas arresting and deporting illegal immigrants will "infringe upon and counteract" the federal border patrol from doing the job ... which, from from all appearances they aren't doing. (Indeed, in 2020 the number was about 405,000, in 2021 it was 1.6 million, and in 2022 it was 2.6 million.) I think the DOJ is thinking, "We can solve the border crisis ... by eliminating the border. If you start defending the border, you'll mess up our strategy."

Thanks, But No Thanks
In his first campaign event of 2024, Biden is marking January 6 with the argument that Trump is a threat to democracy and freedom. Not like the threat to democracy that Biden and his party is bringing when they eliminate people from ballots without being convicted of a crime. Not like the loss of freedoms from his side of the aisle that required everyone to get a COVID vaccine until the courts stopped it. No, just the democracy and freedom that the Dems are willing to offer ... like higher taxes, failing economy, greater illegal border crossings, cowardice in Afghanistan ... all that democracy and freedom.

You Go, Gurl
The UN Women UK have selected a guy to be their "champion for women" this year. Munroe Bergdorf is a biological male who identifies as a female known for extreme anti-white racism as well as homophobic remarks, but he's your gal. Once again, a blow to women in the name of diversity and inclusion. Can't they find a real woman to play the part of a woman? I mean, who better to know about very female issues than a person who was born a male, right? You go, gurl.

It's Beeneath You To Doubt It
I think it's what we were all thinking, but the Bee hit the nail on the head regarding the story on Maine's Secretary of State canceling Trump from the ballot with the headline, "Democrats Disprove Claims They Will Covertly Rig Election By Rigging It In Plain Sight". And in football bowl games, we saw the Pop-Tarts Bowl, but only the Bee broke the story of Taylor Swift on a date with the Pop Tart guy.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. If what they were accused of were true, it would already be over. I'm pretty sure Israel has the firepower to level the Gaza Strip. It would simply be too easy for them to bury the area and rebuild, rather than do what they are currently doing.

    Hopefully, getting shot in front of her daughter will teach her daughter not to threaten cops with knives.

    I doubt there will be any sueing because it's already been going on in MMA rings.

    Same with the two black teens that intentionally hit-and-run a retired white sheriff. No identifying the perpetrators simply because of their race. Or like the fact that we are not being given the motives for any of the trans-identifying school shooters recently.

    But hey, at least they were shooting deaths, because we all know it is way worse to shoot someone to death rather than stab them to death.

    But, the DOJ is more than willing to let states deal with federal criminals, just not these types of federal criminals.

    It's sad that every President in my voting lifetime has been a threat to Democracy, who have all failed to end Democracy.

    UN Women UK? More like Un-women UK. "Facts" strike again, men make better women than women.

    Yeah, that would be one way of undercutting the hidden ballot tampering accusations. "Why would we hide what we're doing when we're so proudly doing it in the open?"

  2. I doubt there will be any suing around the boxing (not that I think it would be unreasonable to do so), but I do think there will be female boxers who will (wisely) refuse to fight with them. That HAS happened in a variety of these situations.

  3. I actually saw a woman refuse to play professional pool against a trans woman. Some people with sense are still out there.

  4. The fact that South Africa is involved in something that looks a whole lot like genocide makes their complaint even more absurd.


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