Saturday, January 27, 2024

News Weakly - 1/27/24

The Lesser of Two Weavels
So, we're down to Trump or Haley as our possible Republican candidates with DeSantis dropping out. Trump followers are quick to point to Haley's adultery ... which she denied and has never been proven. The irony is thick, given Trump's infidelities, real or imagined. I personally think it's just sad that we can't find an actual candidate with character to run. But, I fear, America would never stand for that. "Character counts" was shot down in Clinton's day on the Left and flushed down the tubes on the Right now as well. "Character? We don't need no stinkin' character."

Unclear on the Concept
In a bid to improve our economy, Senator Bernie Sanders is pushing a bill for companies that pay their CEOs too much to either pay more taxes or pay their employees more. You know that those companies will simply take the loss and not pass anything on to their customers ... right? Yeah, right. But, on the upside, it will give the government $150 billion over 10 years, and if there's anything we need, it's more government and higher prices. Thanks, Bernie.

The Big Tent
Donald Trump has threatened to blacklist anyone who donates to Nikki Haley's presidential campaign. Now, that sounds a lot like extortion. And it cannot be construed as including everyone in the Republican party, for instance. If you are not on board with Donald Trump right now, you are not welcome. Nice.

Making Sense of it All
The economy, they tell us, grew "faster than previously estimated" in the 3rd quarter. 5.2%. It is confusing, though. Every day I read about big companies laying off large numbers of people. I read that weekly initial unemployment claims increased. I read that In-N-Out is closing their only Oakland store due to high crime rates. (The Bee says that In-N-Out is moving that store to a safer location in Gaza.) I read that big stores are closing in big cities due to crime, exorbitant rent, and the difficulty of hiring workers. So ... how do I put these together?

No ... Really
From the Bee, New York City's Museum of Modern Art has hired a non-binary, woke activist to tell kids that Israel is a "made-up place" while leading a workshop on Martin Luther King Jr's relationship to climate justice. Oh, wait ... that was an actual news story.

Truly, Truly, I Say Unto You ...
The U.N.'s top court ordered Israel to avoid genocide in Gaza ... but did not order a ceasefire. Israel says the allegation of genocide is "not only false,it's outrageous." Which it is; totally ridiculous. Hamas could actually and instantly produce a ceasefire on both sides by simply ... ceasing fire. Israel cannot produce a ceasefire by stopping shooting. Israel has showed no interest in "genocide"; just stopping the people that are shooting at them. Who is interested in genocide? The ones whose charter it is (Hamas) or the ones who are defending themselves (Israel)? Don't worry. Truth is no longer a concern these days.

We Should Bee Better
I would have laughed if it wasn't so sad. The story was that a missionary went to Joel Osteen's church to reach the people there who had never heard about Jesus. In politics, Nikki Haley is staying in the race. She got more votes in New Hampshire's Republican primary than any Democrat in history. And Texas is gearing up. They've put razor wire around the Alamo to prepare for a last stand against Biden, and Ted Cruz is growing mutton chops in preparation for a civil war.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. I always get a good laugh from the Bee articles to which you link us. This morning I also had to laugh at your “Lesser of Two Weavels” title, which, it occurs to me, could also be “Lesser of Two Weevils” or even “Lesser of Two Weasels.” Any of these labels could apply to many a recent presidential election--and this upcoming one, for sure--but this would be a bit unkind to the innocent animals :).

  2. If people stop caring about upright character in their personal lives, of course their politicians will lack good character. We seem to only care about which politician says the most things I like. I would love a throw back to when we had statesmen rather than politicians. People that wanted to serve the people, not grab for power and money.

    What kind of nonsense do they have in their heads that they think higher taxes will make people less greedy?

    Sounds like an empty threat to me. If someone is donating to Haley, clearly they don't want Trump in office and I doubt would be looking forward to working for him. Telling people they can't do a thing they don't want to do isn't really going to change them.

    My guess would be because of how they're measuring things. They said that the quarter had an annualized rate of growth. Now I'm no economist, so that doesn't mean much to me, but the words themselves seem highly suspicious. Like they are using words that mean things differently based on context but used the way they want mean something different. I think it's called an analogical statement where these meaning of a word changes midway through the paragraph. At least, that how it feels to me.

    I mean, technically she's not wrong (I assume she since non-binary is more frequently claimed by women). All countries are made-up places. All countries are just claimed to be. Of course, Israel claims to be a country, so it is. As for Dr. King, climate justice? That sounds a lot like people claiming Lazarus was gay because Jesus told him to "come out", applying modern meanings of words to words used before those meanings were even considered. I guarantee that if you said "climate justice" to anyone in the 60s, they wouldn't have a clue what you are saying.

    I know why they keep telling Israel to cease fire and not Hamas, but that reason makes the whole call for ceasefire meaningless since they know that Israel can't stop. If I walk up and punch you in the face and then rear back to punch you more, this would be like people holding your arms to keep you from defending yourself.

    The Bee's disgust at Olsteen is hilarious. And wasn't it New Hampshire, or the one before it, that was open to non-Republicans to vote in the Republican Primary? So makes sense.

  3. Of all countries out there, David, if Israel is in some technical sense a "made up country," it was made up by God. But, of course, the claim isn't aimed at the technicality. The aim is at "We don't need to even consider Israel because they have no right to exist."

  4. Lorna, "Weavels" was intended to be a nonsense word, as you indicated, somewhere around "evils" and "weasels" and "weevils" ... but none of the above. I'm sure there are some who read it and didn't even notice it was wrong. (Just to be clear, "evils" is correct.)

  5. The Lesser of Two Weavels

    First, with this an at least one other item, to draw conclusions from a story presented by a less than reputable source gives me pause. I have a problem taking with more than a grain of salt anything a leftist source says about the motivations of people on the right, particularly Trump supporters. Without trying to dig further...because really, who cares?...I would suspect that the issue with Haley's alleged adultery (something several SC politicos refer to as "common knowledge") has more to do with treating the news the same way they did with Trump. It was the most referenced "sin" brought up in the run up to the GOP primary vote prior to his first term. It mattered to me when there were other candidates I felt could do the job. Once he got the nomination, more important concerns took precedence and I could not well serve God by allowing the greater of two evils to succeed. A good choice on my part. He did well and his womanizing does not seem to be an issue any longer.

    Haley has the added issue of her denial, which is natural if the allegations aren't true, but make her adultery worse for voters if true. Trump didn't care people knew about his history in this regard, so there was no deceit attached to the broken vows.

    While I think high moral character is needed now more than ever, it still isn't the only thing we need in a president. And Trump's promise keeping record is better than most presidents, though not perfect. She's considered quite a chameleon, changing with the wind, so that is also a negative trait for president. That's not the same as changing one's mind when the facts compel the change.

    So how many presidents can we say were of stellar character? Washington was said to be such a person. Aside from his drinking, Grant was said to be so. Aside from his political stupidity, some point to Carter. I think it's very much a sadly short list.

    It will always be a lesser of two evils choice, and the greater is always the choice good people must prevent winning the election. Choosing the lesser is the best way the average voter has to aid in acting on behalf of the nation.

    Unclear on the Concept

    What we need is a bill which punishes politicians from trying to interfere with private business matters, particularly those like Berni with no business experience or acumen.

    The Big Tent

    This story also lacks details of importance, such as what motivated him specifically to take this position. Maybe had we been informed of such a thing, we could better assess how we feel about it. Perhaps he was justified. As it stands, it appears to simply be another way to take a shot at the guy. He welcomed those who supported DeSantis, so there must be something which provoked him in this way.

  6. Making Sense of it All

    So much of what has been said to be signs of an improving economy are still tied to companies recovering from government intrusions during the fake pandemic. I doubt any company or corporation can bounce back to pre-COVID levels overnight.

    There is also the fact that the private sector...the "market"...always seems to find a way given that's what they do...they find a way to make a profit. Thus, without specific economic policy to which anyone can point to explain any good economic news, it has to be one of those two things primarily. Presidents who lowered tax rates and eased regulatory burdens can take credit, since those things directly impact profit potential. What's Joey Pantsload done?

    No ... Really

    No...Really...lefties lie.

    Truly, Truly, I Say Unto You ...

    More evidence of the vile worthlessness of the United Nations. As has been stated so often, I can't truck with those who accuse victims of genocide for presuming they have a right to defend their own lives from attacks by admitted and proud genocidal savages. If Israel is attempting genocide...and that lie has been spewed since they left Gaza to those who wish them dead...they're doing a poor job of it given the population of Gaza and the West Bank has grown significantly over those years.

    Personally, I have little concern for any in Gaza or the West Bank until I can see some reason to do so. I recently read that some Gazans want Israel to continue their fight to eliminate Hamas. But nowhere did it indicate these people have any love, concern or grace toward Israel and the Jews. They clearly don't want to get dead because of the actions of Hamas. So if there are any among them who believe that Jews have a right to exist, that they wish to develop friendly relations with them, they might want to identify themselves. Failing this, their fate is of no concern to me.

  7. At first reading, I thought you must have meant “weevils” (to rhyme perfectly with “evils”) or “weasels,” but then I Googled “Weavels” and found out it was a real thing (defined as a “Space Pirate special forces warrior” at “Wikitroid”). It’s still a “nonsense word” to me!


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