Saturday, January 13, 2024

News Weakly - 1/13/24

What's Wrong With This Picture?
Now, Scripture is clear. Scripture does not allow women to lead churches (1 Tim 2:12-15). So Eboni Turman was aghast when the Baptist Church didn't select her as their new lead pastor. And, in keeping with her "I don't care what Scripture says" approach, she's suing the church (1 Cor 6:1-20), making a mockery of God's Word and the church. Is she just trying to prove them right?

Thanks Again, California
Chevron is projecting a $4 billion loss in the 4th quarter due to California's hostile environment toward oil companies. Now, who do you suppose will make that up for the oil companies' losses? Can you say, "Higher gas prices"?

Not Promising
In filing to run for president in Illinois, Trump did not sign the standard loyalty oath. I don't know why, and it makes me wonder. People are outraged because the oath includes a promise not to overthrow the government. Biden said that Trump "is willing to sacrifice our democracy." The Chicago Sun-Times suggested it was because he already tried in 2021. Illinois Governor Pritzker said he had "already attempted it once." Mind you, on multiple occasions Trump was acquitted of insurrection, but that doesn't matter. They know that if you repeat a lie big enough and long enough, people will believe it, and it is no longer true that in America you are innocent until proven guilty. But, then, who is sacrificing our American Way now?

Four Fingers Pointing Backward
In North Carolina, the DNC has decided for its voters that "an election wasn't desirable." (Yes, that is a quote.) So they banned all Democrat challengers on the primary ballot; their only option is Biden. Because, as we all know, the Democrats are all about democracy ... while they seek to prevent voters from voting for their candidate of choice and point fingers at Trump for questioning the results of the 2020 election (one of their favorite tactics when they lose, too, it seems).

Threat to Global Peace
The pope called it a "threat to peace" and "despicable," and said it should be universally banned. What is that? Obviously not gay unions -- which he said should be blessed -- or even genocide in Gaza (which isn't actually happening). No, he was talking about surrogacy. Letting another woman carry a child for one that can't is a "grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child." I ... uh ... I'm sorry, I'm lost here. That is a threat to global peace? I don't even ...

Deprived Again
Israel has located a large underground weapons factory in Gaza. So now they're depriving poor Hamas fighters of their weapons?? What horrors will come next? Seriously, people, how can they keep saying that Israel is committing genocide when it's Hamas with the secret weapons factories hidden among their population? I'd like to know what kind of magic that side has used to bewitch what you might have thought were thinking people.

Can You Say, "Inflation"?
Biden's administration has a new rule that will put most gig workers out of the idependent contractor bin and into the employee bin where the government then mandates minimum wage, overtime pay, unemployment insurance, etc. Which, of course, will cost more. Which, of course, will cost you more. It's hard to keep track of "a living wage" when the target moves so quickly.

Another One Bites the Dust
You've heard of a "living wage" (as nebulous as that might be). Phoenix has become the first city to pass a "prevailing wage" law. As of July (lawsuits pending, of course), all workers on city-funded projects must be paid the same as others doing the same job. Talk about income equality. "We determine what everyone is being paid for that and you will pay it." Councilwoman Betty Guardado links it to "a living wage" without seeming to understand that by raising wages, the "living wage" shifts upward, requiring raising wages, which causes the "living wage" shifts upward, which requires ... well, you get the idea. I suppose Phoenix residents should expect higher prices and higher taxes soon. I suppose that this concept must spread to other places soon. I suppose you can see that "free enterprise" and capitalism are dying concepts.

That Oughta Learn Ya!
The Biden administration will start canceling student loans in February, teaching those poor students some valuable lessons, like "Expect the government to bail you out" and "Don't worry; you're not responsible for your own bills" and "Go ahead, borrow whatever you want. You won't have to repay it." You know ... helpful irresponsibility skills for later in life.

What Will It Bee?
The White House press secretary assured members of the media President Biden has done more to preserve democracy in the U.S. than any other totalitarian dictator in history. She might have a point. The Genesius Times had a story about the pope ousting bishops for being too Catholic. I think it might be true. And after that Alaskan Airlines 737 had problems in flight, the CEO of Boeing has assured passengers that all 737's are built to the highest diversity standards. There, that ought to make you feel better.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. With the advent of post-modern thinking that introduced no objective reality and widely denied the existence of God, "civilized" nations are becoming progressively clown worlds lead by imbeciles that would rather debate race relations and DEI, rather than any relevant topic (mainly thinking of the "hearing" about Hunter Biden and both sides race and gender baiting). We no longer have shared morality or shared goals.

    As for the Boeing reference, they probably are more concerned about higher diversity standards over higher quality standards. Most major companies today will brag about how diverse their workers are without any regard for ability.

  2. I agree ... although I'm not entirely sure I can stick "post-modern" together with "thinking."

  3. Abyssinian Baptist Church was led for many years by the notorious Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. When Calvin Butts was pastor, he allowed Fidel Castro to speak there in the mid-1990s.

  4. Jack, if you understood me to be praising Abyssinian Baptist Church, I wasn't clear. It was the woman who was mad that a church would follow Scripture at some point who was the focus of that piece.

  5. Regarding the Baptist Church lawsuit: I read at the church’s website this statement related to their pastoral search: “Marital status, age and gender are not considerations in the selection process.” They list Romans 16:1-7 and Joel 2:28 as “passages for meditation” to support this statement--but not the applicable ones from the NT regarding church leadership! Since I see many women listed in their church staff directory (and the woman bringing the lawsuit was previously an “assistant minister” there), I doubt they are following scripture. She was likely not selected for reasons other than her gender--a probability she apparently can’t accept.

  6. The claim she made was that they told her they would "never hire a woman" for the job. I have no reason to believe that the CHURCH is a biblical church and probably serious suspicions that it is not. My point was not intended to be that the church was right. My point was intended to be that Scripture is right and anyone seeking to be a pastor ought to follow Scripture. Since I've been able to get that across in this post, I suppose I'll have to be more careful in the future. Perhaps it's time to drop the News Weakly feature as it's more snark and less value than I intend anyway.

  7. I got that point of yours, and I agree that the woman was defying scripture by seeking to be a pastor and also by suing the church. I was pointing out that the church indicates that they WOULD hire a woman; if they told her otherwise afterwards, then it appears the church needs to clarify their true position and not give mixed messages. Hopefully the lawsuit will cause the church to re-examine their stand and obey scripture!

    P.S. I don’t see “snark” in your News Weakly feature but quite a bit of value. Sometimes these things are a bit difficult to communicate about in writing, but hopefully you will bear with us :).


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