Saturday, December 09, 2023

News Weakly - 12/9/23

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas ended when Hamas fired rockets into Israel. So VP Kamala Harris is urging Israel to show restraint in responding because too many human shields used by Hamas have been injured. Apparently no one is calling for restraint from the terrorists who calling for the end of the Jews. Which, in my way of thinking, is definitely antisemitic.

Take the Bad with the Good
After the writers started it, the actors went on strike. They've been on strike since July 14. Now they've won $1 billion in new compensation and benefits, ending the strike in Hollywood. Of course, that story alongside Angelina Jolie's "Hollywood is a sick place" story seems like maybe ... just maybe ... actors not acting and writers not writing might be considered an improvement. (Oh, and can you guess who they're planning to pay for those new compensations?)

Your Tax Dollars at Work
Here's the plan. Biden pledges to take $6 billion of your tax dollars and give half to a private company to build its own Los-Angeles-to-Las-Vegas high-speed electric rail line because supplementing a single private entity with your money is in the best interest of the nation. The other half will go to the initial segment of a California-funded project between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Mind you, "The money is a fraction of the total cost to build the routes," so someone is going to benefit greatly from your dollars ... and it's not the American public. You're welcome.

Like Father, Like Son
Hunter Biden has now been indicted on 9 tax charges along with gun charges. I can hear Joe now, shouting, "I don't know the man!" just before the cock crows. Oh, sorry ... mixed metaphors.

Thanks a Lot
Biden (and his ilk) continue to drive the economy. This week they reported that job openings fell to the lowest they've been in 28 months (you know, soon after Biden took office) while jobless claims climbed. Keep this up and a lot more people will be able to vote on Election Day, 2024, without taking time off work.

Must Bee True
The kindly folks at Babylon Bee are standing in solidarity with their fellow fake news writers going on strike at the Washington Post. Nice. The latest GTA -- Grand Theft Auto 6 -- is coming, but some Californians are wondering why they'd play the game if they can just do the actual crimes without consequences in some California cities. Go figure. And three Ivy League presidents testified before Congress (real story) this week about campus antisemitism (which could cost one university $100 million in donations), saying, "Not all calls for genocide are bad." I'm sure the "from the river to the sea" movement (calling for the total elimination of Israel) has a lot of good people in it.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. As devil's advocate, on the one hand I can see why the US would be calling for Israeli restraint and not Hamas, but that's only because they can talk to Israel, not Hamas. They know they have weight to pull with Israel, but nothing they can to about Hamas. The fact that they never publicly call for Hamas to stop, yes, clear antisemitism.

    Clearly, most people don't understand where money comes from. All those supporting the strikers haven't thought about the fact that it will simply make all their entertainment costs go up. Like the studios are simply going to take the hit without passing along the price tag to their consumers.

    Sounds to me like token pledging since 6 billion to either one of those sounds like a drop in the bucket, let alone half to each. They know it won't benefit anyone but the builders, but they'll be able to point to it come election time that they're contributing to "green" solutions.

    As if anyone believes Hunter will get more than a slap on the wrist. One of the gun charges is already set to be expunged from his record in time.

    Let's see, fewer people working, so fewer people paying taxes, and yet they're pushing rampant spending, requiring increased money printing, which means increased inflation, which means fewer jobs, which means less taxes...

    The GTA one gave me a good chuckle. As for the universities, calling for the genocide of Jews is fine, but misgendering someone is literal violence.

  2. Telling the Poles in WWII to stop shooting at the invading Germans would have been just as crazy.

  3. "Can't we all just get along?" "No?" "Can't we all just let murderous aggressors attack at their leisure?"

  4. If our local efforts at choo choos are any example, this new choo choo is going to cost significantly more than the estimates, take significantly longer to build, and not be financially viable without government subsidies. Great way spend borrowed money.

    I agree that it makes sense to talk to Israel because they are relatively, reasonable and at least open to negotiation. I also agree that asking Israel as the "victim" to show restraint after years of these attacks is absurd.


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