Saturday, December 30, 2023

News Weakly - 12/30/23

It Takes An Expert
A group of researchers did a study and discovered that sex, not gender identity, determines the performance of athletes. Wait ... what? Are you sure? You mean a biological male who identifies as a female will have an advantage over biological females in a physical contest? Are you sure? The story, oddly enough, suggests "The study provides a new perspective ..." Um ... no. We all knew that already. Good thing we have science to back us.

No Living Wage
California will be raising their minimum wage to $20/hr in 2024, so Pizza Hut fired all their delivery drivers. They cannot afford to pay those prices and California would mandate it. Others employers will likely follow suit. So, no, California's minimum wage will not provide these drivers a living wage. It will, in fact, not provide them a wage at all. Thank you, California.

Speaking of Minimum Wages ...
It looks so good in California that nearly 10 million Americans will be getting wage hikes in 2024. They will have the largest effect on women and minorities. Well, of course, and on consumers as well, since you know we'll be paying for those wage increases. (It is interesting that these stories compare wages in various states among all states as if income requirements in all states are the same. I live in Arizona and income requirements in, say, Phoenix are not the same as in ... oh, I don't know ... Tucson, but no one appears to recognize this fact.)

Ignorant Outrage
Some conservatives are outraged that Christianity Today said that Jesus was Asian. They're "completely woke," some have said. "Did you guys read the Bible?" one writer challenged. Mind you, Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Israel which is on the western edge of Asia -- Jesus was born in Asia -- but we won't let biblical facts get in the way of our righteous indignation, right?

Follow the Money
A new study says that social media made billions of dollars off minors in 2022. $11 billion according to the study. In 2022 -- one year. Now, most minors don't have that kind of dough, but a good portion of that was from ad revenue on Instagram and TikTok and the like. You can see, then, that social media, while pledging to protect minors, are not incentivized to do any such thing. And, apparently, neither are parents.

It Just Gets Better
Let me start by saying I'd rather not have Trump on the 2024 ballot, so this is not personal preference talking here. Last week, you recall, the Colorado Supreme Court violated the Constitution by convicting Trump of insurrection without a trial. Now Maine has gone a step further. Without court or legal precedent, Maine's top election official has declared Trump guilty of insurrection (remember, the FBI said no insurrection took place) and is not going to be on their ballot either. According to the article linked here, it's part of "a national effort to disqualify the former president." It is pure hatred and solid partisan politics -- unmistakable and undeniable election tampering. Which is precisely what they were accusing Trump of.

Bee All You Can Bee
Literacy in the U.S. is on the decline (real story). Experts are pretty sure it's due to not enough drag queen story hours. I can see their logic (or not). Famed apologist William Lane Craig proved the existence of God by pulling out a plate of delicious fish tacos. "A rational being has recourse against the teleological argument for God - but confronted with fish tacos, one has no choice but to conclude the existence of an all-powerful, loving God." Checkmate, atheists. After being ousted from Congress, George Santos has landed on his feet with a new job as fact-checker at the New York Times. A truthy person we can trust, eh?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. It's funny how a lot of things that are being said by the Left, which just on pure intuition and logic we disagree with, and frequently being sided with us on by expensive research. "Masks stop viruses", um, no, the virus is smaller than the holes in the material. "Men and women are the same physically", um, no, men have biological advantages in strength and agility. "You can pause puberty with no lasting effects", um, no, you mess with anyone's natural development and body chemistry for extended periods and you will do damage. Only now, a couple years later does "science" prove what we already were saying.

    I don't understand how people don't understand basic economics. I have no official economic education, but when you increase the cost of doing business artificially, businesses don't just eat that increase, they pass it into their customers, who by the way are more frequently those lower income people.

    Only because people have the idea that Asian is the same as Mongoloid would anyone be upset by that. If you called someone Asian that was from India or Russia, you'd be accurate, but when most people think Asian, they think of specific sections of Asia, mostly East Asia.

    If anyone thinks that social media companies care in the slightest about protecting minors, they need to have their head examined. Their purpose is to make money and they don't care how.

    To the Left, laws and justice and fairness only matter when they are being negatively impacted by them.

    Ah yes, the people confused about gender and social norms are the perfect people to teach children how to read and write.
    Well, those must be some really good fish tacos.
    I like how at the end of the article it says that he's already been fired for accidently printing something factual.

  2. Because the best way to ensure democracy is to disallow people from voting for a candidate of their choice.

  3. I just can't figure out how, "Question the results of the vote" as Trump did (like the Dems have said so many times themselves) is a threat to democracy, but "We choose to not allow people vote for whomever they want" is not.

  4. The Left holds to a double standard. When Trump was elected, riots across the nation for weeks, cities burned, many injured and killed. Biden gets elected, a large group of people march into the Capitol Building and are even let in by the police, take pictures of themselves, and peacefully leave, with only one death. It is always this way. The Left does something more loudly and the Right does it to a lesser degree and the Left calls it insurrection.

  5. It's because those on the left genuinely believe that they are capable of making those decisions, and the rest of us are not.


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