Saturday, December 23, 2023

News Weakly - 12/23/23

Dazed and Confused
The pope has come out. He has approved blessings for same-sex couples. Mind you, the Roman Catholic position on homosexual behavior is that it is sin and they don't recognize same-sex marriage at all, but, hey, when people you say are entrenched in sin, it's surely a good idea to bless them. Like Paul did when he said, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?" and includes those who practice homosexual behavior in his list of "unrighteous" (1 Cor 6:9-10). Oh, no, I guess that's not quite a blessing. But the pope knows better than Paul, right?

Bombshell Injustice
NBC News called it a "bombshell decision." Colorado's Supreme Court ruled that Trump was guilty until proven innocent and banned him from appearing on the ballot next year for violating the 14th Amendment, a charge that has not been tried, let alone proven. Nice to know the justice system will deny justice whenever they so desire. Can you say, "Election interference"? Trump questioning the election results, they tell us, was a threat to democracy. What is it when the court assumes guilt and prevents people from voting for their preferred option at all?

Cancel Culture Cancels the 1st Amendment
New York is planning to ignore the 1st Amendment which says, in part, that the government "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" by establishing a law that requires businesses to stay open on Sunday regardless of their religious convictions. Admittedly, this would affect few businesses because, frankly, very few still retain any religious convictions, but if this one floats, why not expand to other restrictions?

Not Getting It
The state of Minnesota is proud to unveil their new state flag, replacing that nasty old one with a Native American on horseback at the center -- obviously a reference to displacing Native Americans (is it?) -- with ... get this ... a white star at the center of a dark blue shape of the state (sort of). Right, like replacing "Native American" in the center with "white star" is much less racist? Haters.

Another Climate Target
A study says that climate change is being impacted by ... breathing. Oh, don't stop there. They say that African populations are more likely to warm the Earth than Asian populations and women more than men. Turns out we're all exhaling some methane and CO2, so we're all contributing to the problem. The solution is simple; eliminate humans. Apparently black people and women first.

The Not-News News
People is reporting that Hulk Hogan and his wife got baptised in a Florida church recently. "Total surrender and dedication to Jesus is the greatest day of my life," he was quoted as saying. Couldn't be more true. The fact that it's news, however, is that "those people" (stars, Hollywood, front page folk) don't do "religious" because that's no longer acceptable. Which says more about that category of people than it does about Hulk Hogan.

From the Sea to the Sea
You've heard the "from the river to the sea" stuff from that pro-Hamas groups advocating the elimination of Israel. I had to ask, "Does that mean you would advocate the elimination of the United States in favor of giving the land back to the Native Americans?" It's a rhetorical question ... until it's not. "Yes," a University of Minnesota professor would answer. We need to "dismantle the settler project that is the United States." It's called "the land-back movement." Kind of like reparations. This is the kind of politics and scholarship being foisted upon too many young people in our universities ... young people who have not been given the tools to think these things through or even know right from wrong. It can't end well.

Too Funny To Bee True
The Bee has an appropriate story of how Clarence the angel takes Gavin Newsom to Florida to see what California could have been like if he'd never been born. They add to it with the gingerbread house in California that was listed on Zillow for $1.9 million. On that choice of Colorado to prematurely de-list Trump, the Bee reports that Colorado has saved democracy by not allowing people to vote for their preferred candidate. This is when satire is painfully sharp. And I had to laugh at the new "body-positive" scale that just says, "You're totally healthy and definitely won't die at a young age of heart disease." 'Nough said.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Technically, it isn't the blessing of the couples, but the individuals in the coupling. The paper is vague enough that in time it will broadly be translated as a blessing of same-sex couples, but apparently this Pope doesn't want to stand for anything so he's going to let the church fall for everything.

    And I bet the folks at NBC where calling it a positive bombshell rather than a negative.

    How do you make a law that forces businesses to stay open? What even is the thinking on this? Some lawmaker really wanted some Chick-fil-A on a Sunday and was so pissed he couldn't be wants to force them to be open? What is even the potential benefit to society this would have? I can't even contemplate an argument for this one, but like 12 against it.

    Apparently the is a decent sized Somalian population in MN. And people wonder why conservatives don't want rampant immigration. People are no longer coming to America and shifting to American culture, they are simply bringing their culture over and forcing it to replace American. I reference Somalia because MN's flag closely resembles the Somalian flag.

    Which do you think will happen, the mass slaughter of people to "save" the planet, or breathing rationing?

    Congratulations to the Hogans. See People, that's how you respond to making a beneficial choice in their lives.

    How on earth do you dismantle the settler project? After so long, who gets to stay and gets killed? Is Elizabeth Warren "native" enough? Is it by skin color alone? If we figure that part out, do we just let them devolve to deciding what territory they get? By now, how many tribes even remain and even know where they were from? What happens when two tribes claim the same area? What about people that are from two tribes? It's the same problems with reparations, too much time has passed to make any distinctions.

    That vaunted "Democracy" that gets threatened every time the Right does something the Left doesn't like, but it's perfectly intact when they actually subvert the democratic process. I bet after Newsom's visit from Clarence, he'd still be hard hearted enough to dismantle California.

  2. Some people have suggested that the new Minnesota flag design looks suspiciously like the flag of Somalia. And what country has been exporting many of its people to Minnesota in recent years?

  3. David suggested the same thing. Seems like a "white star" in the center throws the whole thing off ... for both Minnesota's "DEI" and Somalia.

  4. The new flag search has been an absurd farce, thank goodness they didn't pick the "Somali" version. All state flags are old, out of touch with 21st century left wing politics, and unexciting. Because nobody expects them to be those things. It's our history. Fortunately we don't see the state flag very much anyway.


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